寻找中翻英的natti certifier,
其实拿下NAATI 证书好久了,因为自己一直有FULL TIME 的工作,人也懒, 所以就一直没有怎么做翻译.不过去年得了一份学校的工作,有时候实在是闲得无聊...哎,也不知道这到底是好事还是坏事. 总之,现在是有时间. 前一段时间因为买房子经常上网看的帖子,收益非浅. 真的觉得这个网不错,也要谢谢大家提供那么多有用的信息.
a decent full time job is a better choice, mate....'cos to explore the translation (only) market is still a bit too hard at the moment I think, besides translation to me is a bloody tiring job, I usually won;t bother to use chunks of time block just to translate an article of say 2000 words. This is in comparison to interpreting which is way too easy than translation....
I may need your accreditation of C2E direction as occasionally I need some stuff to be translated into Chin but I won;t need much of your effort to physically translate per se which means I will have it translated and I am sure you will be happy with once you have had quick scan of the translated copy. what you need to do is kind of proof-read and what I need is actually your stamp...
deal or no deal? just kidding...
As I said before, I am not that desperate to do the translation work. I like to do some translation for you but I guess i do not like the idea of just using my stamp. It seems unpropriate. Sorry about that. I am thinking maybe i should get an interpreting accreditation as well since you said that it is much easier,hehe.
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