如果先帮一个办移民, 父母彼此经济独立, 是不是另一个不需要47A?
还有个问题, 家里还有爷爷奶奶们要不要填呢?
47PA表中有这么段话, 貌似是需要的,但是还要添老人家工作教育状况,好像我奶奶小学都没读完,以前种地, 后来也临时的做工。还要签名,我奶奶生病,字也不能写了。 有类似情况的同志怎么办的呢?
You may include other relatives in your application if they are
wholly or substantially reliant on you for financial support for
their basic needs of food, shelter and clothing and they have
been reliant on you for that support for a substantial period.
They must also be more reliant on you for support than on any
other person or source.
A relative may also be considered dependent on you if they are
reliant on you for financial support because they have a mental
or physical disability which stops them from earning a living to
support themselves. Other relatives dependent on you may
include, for example, an aged, unmarried relative.
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