



on-shore的也要看是online的还是paper的   还是打电话问问吧

拿到case number后1年



Professionals and other skilled migrants visas

From 1 July 2008, all General Skilled Migration visa applications will be processed by the Adelaide Skilled Processing Centre or the Brisbane Skilled Processing Centre.
See: General Skilled Migration Processing Centres

Check the progress of your online application

Check the progress of your application
Note: You will need to use your Transaction Reference Number.

Telephone enquiries for General Skilled Migration

1300 364 613 (in Australia) for the cost of a local call.
+61 1300 364 613 (outside Australia)
Charges applicable in your home country will apply.

Telephone hours: (Australian Central Time)
0900 – 1600 Monday to Friday

Email enquiries

If you have not lodged a General Skilled Migration visa application, and would like more information, use the General Skilled Migration Pre-Lodgement Enquiry Form.
See: General Skilled Migration Pre-Lodgement Enquiry Form

If you have lodged a General Skilled Migration visa application, and have further enquiries, use the General Skilled Migration Post-Lodgement Enquiry Form.
Note: 'Post-Lodgement' refers to the period of time between lodging your application and receiving a result from the department.
See: General Skilled Migration Post-Lodgement Enquiry Form

Sending in documents

Applications lodged before 1 September 2007
Online applications
E-lodged applications can have electronic documents attached online through the eVisa system.
See: Attaching Documents to a General Skilled Migration Visa Application

Paper applications
When you have received your client file number you can scan and email additional documents to us. The department accepts scanned copies of the original document (non-certified) provided they are in colour and in PDF, JPEG, TIFF or BMP file formats. If you scan documents in black and white, then they must be scanned copies of the certified copies.

If your visa can only be granted while you are outside Australia
The following email address should only be used if you have your file number and have not yet received any correspondence from your case officer.
Email: [email protected]

When you receive correspondence from your case officer you should send any additional scanned documents only to the email address which will be provided in that correspondence and not the addresses above.

If your visa can be granted while you are in Australia
Documents for applications lodged in Australia should be emailed to the department.
Email: [email protected]

Applications lodged on or after 1 September 2007
E-lodged applications can have electronic documents attached online through the eVisa system.
See: Attaching Documents to a General Skilled Migration Visa Application

If you lodged a paper application or you are unable to attach documents to the application online through the eVisa system they can be emailed to the department.

For online applications for a GSM subclass 885, 886, 887, 487 or 485 visa, contact the department using the following email address.
Email: [email protected]

For all other GSM visa applications, contact the department using the following email address.
Email: [email protected]

When your application has been assessed you will be advised of a further email address to use in providing documents.  Please only send documents to that address.  
Note: If you have emailed documents to the department you do not need to provide paper copies unless requested to do so.


131 881. 不过一点用都没有,无非是说让你等。何况你的才半年,现在ON-SHORE的半年已经很平常了
据《逐日电讯报》报导,从明年年中开始,因为从Bankstown和Sydenham的城铁将因Metro South West革新名目而
据本月早些时分报导,绿党副首领、参议员Mehreen Faruqi已获准在Port Macquarie联系其房产并建造三栋投资联

签证办理,技术移民,商业投资移民,VEVO,immi account



澳大利亚不知道有没有这个选项,在网站上没找到,谢谢 评论 网站上只能选择一次或者多次,而且是不允许选择有效期多少年。当你去提交申请证书的材料时,工作人员会问你需要多少年,因为 ...



澳大利亚https://www.zaobao.com/realtime/china/story20240617-3937498 正在澳大利亚访问的中国总理李强周一(6月17日)会见了澳大利亚总理阿尔巴内塞。李强在会后新闻发布会上宣布,将澳大利亚纳入单边免 ...


最近办600父母探亲签证快吗? 3个月样

澳大利亚3个月内不需要体检吗? 我需要购买额外的保险吗? 之前去过澳洲好几次 评论 退休人员赶紧报名600,我家有人5天就拿到了白色护照,第一次出国旅游。还有一些孩子以前来过这里,但 ...



澳大利亚今天早上申请后,immi账号显示签名,VEVO可以查看信息 但我自始至终都没有收到过确认信或者签名信,而且immi账户里也无法显示grant letter。有人遇到过这种情况吗? 是不是再等一会儿比 ...



澳大利亚据说出自小红书,真假难辨。有球友有类似经历吗: 144小时过境签证失败,入境不顺利! 大家都知道144小时过境签证。持有指定国家的护照,可以进入中国144小时,然后出境到第三国, ...



澳大利亚我最近考虑入籍,然后持中国签证回国。 但主要担心的是我会被要求注销账号,然后身份证失效,然后手机号码失效,然后手机号绑定的各种网上账号就会出现问题,尤其是银行账户如 ...