大家好!请叫一个问题! 我想申请partner skill那5分。。需要我老婆满足basic requirement里边的1年recent work experience。。我看了immi的要求: Recent work experience requirement
To meet the recent work experience requirement, you must demonstrate that you have been employed in an occupation on the Skilled Occupation List (SOL) for 12 of the 24 months immediately before lodging your visa application.
To meet this requirement you must have been employed at a skilled level for at least 20 hours a week.
这个每周20小时是说一定要连续1年每周20小时? 还是间断的也可以(因为我的老婆是part time,有的时候不到20小时)。另外有人说只要平均达到20小时就可以了。。是不是这样呢?
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