The federal government has announced that a revised Australian Citizenship Test will be ready by August 2009. The changes will include increasing the pass mark from 60 to 75 percent and shifting the test's focus to democratic beliefs, rights and liberties and law.
Speaking to ABC, Immigration Minister Chris Evans said that a review of the test found it was flawed, and needs to be re-written.
“They can be expected to see the questions much more focused on the core of the pledge, which goes to democratic beliefs, rights and liberties and our law, and ensures that people understand what becoming a citizen of this country is about,” he said.
The government rejected recommendations to maintain the current pass mark and plans to incrase this to 75 per cent. The government claim the new pass mark will ensure new citizens have an adequate knowledge of the responsibilities and privileges of citizenship as well as an adequate knowledge of Australia.
“What we’ll see is that Don Bradman and the other sort of cultural and historical issues about Australia will remain in a booklet, that’s designed to inform people about those issues and the realities of life in Australia,” Senator Evans said.
“But the test will focus in on those aspects that are central to citizenship.”
The Government says the new test will be ready by August 2009.
澳大利亚 公民入籍考试将更改及格分数将从60提高至75分
联邦政府将採纳委员会建议,全面改革考试制度。移民部长Chris Evans 参议员表示:考试改革重点放在新公民入籍宣誓方面。
誓词內容体现 民主信仰、澳洲法律、公民权益和责任等。
检討委员会”一针见血指出:不管是澳洲本土出生抑或移民入籍的公民,最根本重要的是必须理解作为澳大利亚公民的意义及职责。为此,联邦政府将邀请教育学和民事法专家,以简易英文重写公民入籍考试资料小册子,把资料分成“应考试”和“非考试”2部分內容。“应考试部分”将涵盖与宣誓有关的概念;“非考试部分”则包括有关澳洲的普通常识,包括澳洲历史、文化和著名人物如板球名将 Donald Bradman爵士等。
Chris Evans 说:提高及格分数线目的是,确保入籍者充分理解民主信念、公民的权益和义务,成为优秀国民。移民部鼓励全体永久居民申请入籍。对能基本理解英语、但电脑考试有困难的弱势移民和难民,联邦政府将组织公民入籍考试课程,根据改写后的资料小册子內容因材施教。
Chris Evans 认为:检討报告清楚指出,必须帮助弱势“准公民”清除入籍障碍,确保他们获政府的支持。但是,政府不会採纳委员会有关“印刷出版试题或用外语进行考试”的建议;移民部另排除“积分入籍”办法,认为那将引起“等级公民”差异。
Chris Evans 感谢以Richard Wool-cott为首“检討委员会”全体委员的努力,政府将儘快邀请专家开始修改入籍资讯小册子。
“From this time forward,(under God )
I pledge my loyalty to Australia and its people
Whose democratic beliefs I share
Whose rights and liberties I respect,and
Whose laws I will uphold and obey.”
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