澳洲Hobie Kayak


最近買了一隻兩人坐的hobie kayak, pro angler 17t,因為是新手,有事想請教。
釣魚的時候,用lure好一點還是用frozen bait 好一點?哪一种上鱼几率比较大?



PA17 ?!?  

In terms of how far you go ? The question is, How long is a string ? Each person has different capability so one person's exprience cannot be reliant on for another person. This also depend on the craft, how they handle their craft, and how well they handle weathers etc.

Personally, I have a PA14 and a Hobie Revo13. I personally use PA14 for Soft plastic fishing around the PPB, plan to go to Western port soon for some gummy sharks. They are great for bait fishing as well, and carry lots of gears.  Generally I don't travel far when in PA14. Too heavy and only great in good to reasonable weather
As for my Revo13, I have used it for all sort of fishing (SP and bait), but i mostly use it for long trips like travelling to South West Rocks NSW, Merimbula, Port Augusta and Portland. Although i get wet bum because of much narrower kayak, but these a much safer kayak to use, especially for offshore fishing.

As for anchor or drifting ? that will depend what you are planning to use, what you are targetting, and also depends on each person's fishing style.

One thing you need to pay attention, is to get all your safety gears organised. Eg. Life jackets, and a bailor. When weather got better, you will need to practice self rescue/re-entry, in case you flipped your kayak, and need to know how to  flip up your kayak while in water and get back on.

If you are in victoria, I highly recommend you join the Victoria Kayak Fishing forum (Vyak forum), People are there regularly organise trips, and you will be welcome to tag along with those guys to fish various area. If you uncertain, message, I can give you some directions.

Wow..so impressed with all the information you gave me, that’s very informative
With the pro17 T, that’s a second hand one, I bought from a guys who selling it on Gumtree,
7k include fishfinder,trailer, all the standard feather of pro kayak , and lots of top op options
Which is a sweet deal I reckon.

You are legend man, I just can’t imagine one travel a long trips on kayak, what is more, it’s offshore! Dun you afraid there would be some sharks hanging around?
Speaking for safety, I would probably practice in port Philip bay to see how good can I manager the kayak as well as the self rescue/re-entry just like what you suggested me
With regard to the safety gear, I do know what life jacket is, but no idea what Boiler is, could you explain this in bit further please?





There are always sharks everywhere, including Port Philip Bay (PPB). People don't realise it, when the condition is right, even Great White sharks does visit PPB. Shark generally don't pay attention to Kayaks and coat. They have other things to pay attention to. If you are concerning, you can look up Sharkshield, which is a good shark deterrent tool. But it won't work on Great White, because Great White attacks starting from deep water and pounce on their prey before they realise. As sharkshield only works upto 3m, it is too late when they get that close. ANYWAY, statistically, we never have any shark attacks in PPB, so you can rest easy on that.

As for the Bailor, we must carry with us on our vehicle a bailor in case of water leaks into the kayak  (Legally you must carry one at all time when on water). In the situation if you flipped the kayak and managed to righted it and get back onto kayak, you will find water do get into the kayaks.
Water in kayak means, the kayak will be heavy, hard to peddle/paddle and hard to control when weather turns nasty. So you will need to clear the water out asap.
To get them out, you will need a bilge pump to pump the water out of kayak. But Bilge pump need battery to operate, which means it is a bit of hassle when you are on a kayak and potentially battery might die when get water damage. Instead, get a hand pump bailor to pump the water out, which is cheap, convenient, low tech and doesn't rely on running on battery. You can buy this from Anaconda/Rays out door/BCF, similar to this :


(sorry, can't paste URL here to show you the link of a pump i bought for myself from Rays outdoor for $10 when it was on sale)

Considering you are new in Kayak fishing, and PA17T is approximate 110kg+, I will recommend you:

1. Make sure you have a hand bilge pump first before you even get onto water. Water Police do stop kayakers to check if they have all of the legally required gears.

2. Choose a good day where very light wind and calm day, take the kayak out to test peddle around. Don't bring anything except your bilge pump at first. This is so you can get to know your kayak. Possibly, bring your anchor as well, to practice anchoring your kayak. Rule of thumb, when you anchor, you should let the anchor line out twice the depth where you anchoring. If weather is abit choppy, let out even more.

3. Once you have a feel how your kayak works and handle, then bring your fish finder, and all of your fishing gear and begin to enjoy fishing.

Yes, i have also done my own research for the shark record in Victoria, no one in fatal since 1956.
i am convinced the shark wouldn't be an issue=)
definitely buy a hand bilge pump for the sake of safety. it would be miserable experience pedaling kayak with tones of water.

Further to this, I have a concern with regarding to kayak outfit
already register as a member which the website you recommend,very impressive and informative.
one member in the forum did share his outfit detail ,see as below

1mm lined neoprene vest
long sleeve synthetic bike top
3mm/2mm long john wet suit
3mm dive boots
And a hat.

I probably would go for the same as that guy as my budget is limited after i spent heaps of money buying the Pro A17T
is it enough?
Would you mind sharing what sort of outfit did you usually wear while doing kayak?

I will take some photo and write up something for you sometime tonight.

thanks bud


For current weather, where water temperature is around 12'C and the air temperature is approximately 8-15'C, i tend to dress up abit to keep myself warm. However, I dress to keep in mind of "In case I falls into water", so that means I make sure I do not wear clothing that will absorb water that will become dead weight etc.

For summer, I tend to wear :
Top : Long sleeve rashie
Bottom: Compression pants + beach short
Leg: Neoprene Dive boot
Head : a Cap and a fishing face scarf to block our sun

For the last few weeks (aka winter time), I have been wearing :
Tops : Lavacore Elite Long sleeve shirt (or the Adrenaline 2P Thermo long sleeve) for keeping warm  + a Spray jacket to repel water that get splash onto me.
Lavacore extreme Top.jpg

Pants : Adrenaline 2P thermo Long Pant to keep warm + Kokatat Tempest pants to keep my bum dry completely.

Feet : a neoprene diving boot

Head : a beanie or recently I managed to buy a Lavacore Cap on ebay for $5 (cheap, light and warmer than beanie !), a a fishing face scarf to block off wind

During those days where the weather is really cold, i tend to wear the Lavacore top, as it has neoprene seal around the forearm, waist and the neck area. Which keeps water out as well as keep wind out. Lavacore has a layer of fleece as inside layer, which really keeps me warm. With a decent spray jacket (I bought the Hobie one), it does repel the water when splash upon.
Any other time during the winter/autume/Spring, which is chilling but not too cold, then I will wear the Adrenaline 2P Thermo long sleep. It has outershell like rashy top, but it has a layer of fleece like lavacore top without the neoprene cuff to keep water out. This although not as good as lavacore, but it is alot cheaper than lavacore. You can find them on ebay (company is in QLD i believe).
Pants wise, Adrenaline 2P long pant is there to keep warm only. The best investment is the Kokatat pants. It doesn't jsut keep the legs dry, but it also help to keep the water out in teh case if I drop into water. Kokatat pants is not cheap (new rrp $225+), but there is another dry pant called it "Lovig Kayak fishing dry pants which is similar.
So in terms of how much cloth I wore in winter ? I try wear clothing that is warm but also do not absorb water, because I prepare for the the "worse case scenario" where i drop into water and need to get back into kayak quickly. Any clothing like thick jacket/jumper/hoodies/tracksuit pants is just asking for trouble, as they absorb water and it will become heavy.
I used to wear those Neoprene diving pants/top, but I found them uncomfortable so I bite the bullet and spent abit on those clothing I mention.
Costing wise, my minimal costs will be like this ::

Top: Adrenaline 2P long sleeve top, $50 Spray jacket  $60 maybe (I bought Hobie's spray jacket 2 years ago for $120, but you can buy non-branded one for less than that)

Pants: Adrenaline Thermal 2P long pants $35, Kokatat pants $220 (but I bought my off someone as 2nd hand for $110 2 years ago).

Heads: Lavacore paddling cap $1 (but plus $8 shipping on ebay) + fishing face mask which I bought on facebook promotion @ 5 for $20.

Foot: Neoprene boot $30 from Anaconda

So costing wise, you are looking at $350-400 if you buy brand new everything. But good thing is, once you buy it, you can keep them for years.

Hope this help


appreciate with all the info you provide
will give it a try and see how things go







No problem. Happy to giving info out to people. Points aren't that important to me, just want people the safety side of kayak fishing.


youtube 上都能找到答案,好多澳洲Kayak fishing的视频
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