Daiwa Airity 2000
“Hi Rick
The Airity is a brilliant reel, I dont own one but have fished with them a fair bit due to the people I know. For the job you are talking about though I would hesitate to recommend the Airity. They are very strong and so could handle fishing the thirty pound braid for a while but a certate would handle the heavy drag settings better. The Airity is very lightweight and so is best used for lighter applications. A problem that you will also have is that you wont get much line on the spool either if you are using thirty pound braid. A 2500 is a very versitile reel but a touch on the small side for Bigger Barra. I use alot of Certates and would recommend the 3000 size as it has the advantage of a bit more line whilst still being compact. As far as price is concerned you could get a standard 3000 certate cheaper than an Airity ($520 approx for certate $590 approx Airity) although if you went to the 3500HD model then you would be up for a bit more but you get more drag pressure and a heavy duty machined handle. Cheers James”
quoted from http://www.ausfish.com.au/
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