此次召回涉及来自Pams,Bush Road,Bells和Country Foods品牌一定时间段内生产的特定色拉以及未上牌(Unbranded)的色拉。South Island Fresh Foods已经召回了特定批次。
根据初级产业部新西兰食品和安全局今天发布的一份清单,Newworld,Pak'nSave,Four Square,Fresh Choice,Supervalue Night & Day和许多独立零售商都收到了这批色拉。
• Bush Road brand Creamy Chicken Salad with Basil (400g), 食用日期1月27日-2月6日• Bush Road brand Egg Supreme (200g), 食用日期1月31日-2月7日• Bush Road brand Potato Salad (250g), 食用日期1月31日-2月7日• Bush Road brand Potato Salad (400g), 食用日期1月31日-2月10日• Pams brand Potato Salad (300g), 食用日期1月31日-2月7日• Pams brand Smoked Chicken Pasta Salad (230g), 食用日期1月27日-2月5日• Unbranded Potato Salad (400g) and (600g), 食用日期1月31日-2月7日• Unbranded Potato Salad (200g), 食用日期2月8日-2月9日
• Bells brand Potato Salad• Bush Road Creamy Chicken Salad with Basil• Bush Road brand Egg Supreme• Country Foods brand Egg and Celery• Country Foods brand Broccolini and Bacon
这些产品已在新西兰的Pak'nSave,New World,Four Square,Fresh Choice,SuperValue和Night&Day网点出售(完整列表在本文最后)。Countdown商店尚未收到受影响的产品。
NZFS食品合规经理Nigel Hughes表示,购买受影响产品的顾客不应食用。
北岛的New World:
New World AlbanyNew World Fresh Collective AlbertonNew World AokautereNew World BirkenheadNew World Botany TownNew World Melody'sNew World BrookfieldNew World Browns BayNew World CambridgeNew World CartertonNew World Churton ParkNew World DannevirkeNew World DevonportNew World EastridgeNew World FeildingNew World FlaxmereNew World FoxtonNew World Gate PaNew World GlenviewNew World Green BayNew World GreenmeadowsNew World HastingsNew World Havelock NorthNew World HillcrestNew World HobsonvilleNew World HowickNew World Hutt CityNew World InglewoodNew World Island BayNew World KaikoheNew World KapitiNew World KaroriNew World KawerauNew World KerikeriNew World KhandallahNew World KumeuNew World LevinNew World Long BayNew World MartonNew World MastertonNew World MatamataNew World MerrilandsNew World Metro Shore CityNew World MilfordNew World MiramarNew World MorrinsvilleNew World Mt MaunganuiNew World Mt RoskillNew World New LynnNew World New PlymouthNew World NewlandsNew World NewtownNew World NgaruawahiaNew World OhakuneNew World OnekawaNew World OnerahiNew World OpotikiNew World OrewaNew World OtakiNew World PahiatuaNew World PapakuraNew World PapatoetoeNew World ParemataNew World PioneerNew World PoriruaNew World PukekoheNew World Metro Queen StreetNew World Railway MetroNew World RegentNew World RemueraNew World RototunaNew World SilverstreamNew World SouthmallNew World Stokes ValleyNew World StonefieldsNew World TaihapeNew World TaumarunuiNew World TawaNew World Te KuitiNew World Te PukeNew World Te RapaNew World ThorndonNew World TokoroaNew World TurangiNew World Victoria ParkNew World WaihiNew World WaikanaeNew World WaipukurauNew World WairoaNew World WaitaraNew World WaiukuNew World WhanganuiNew World WarkworthNew World Wellington CityNew World WestendNew World WhakataneNew World WhangamataNew World WhangaparaoaNew World WhitbyNew World WhitiangaNew World Willis Street Metro
Pak'nSave AlbanyPak'nSave BotanyPak'nSave Cameron RoadPak'nSave Clarence StreetPak'nSave ClendonPak'nSave Gisborne CityPak'nSave Glen InnesPak'nSave HastingsPak'nSave HaweraPak'nSave KaitaiaPak'nSave KapitiPak'nSave KilbirniePak'nSave LevinPak'nSave Lincoln NorthPak'nSave Lower HuttPak'nSave MangerePak'nSave ManukauPak'nSave MastertonPak'nSave Mill StPak'nSave Mt AlbertPak'nSave Napier CityPak'nSave New PlymouthPak'nSave OrmistonPak'nSave Palmerston NorthPak'nSave PapakuraPak'nSave PapamoaPak'nSave PetonePak'nSave PoriruaPak'nSave PukekohePak'nSave RotoruaPak'nSave Royal OakPak'nSave SilverdalePak'nSave Sylvia ParkPak'nSave TamateaPak'nSave TaupoPak'nSave TaurikoPak'nSave Te AwamutuPak'nSave ThamesPak'nSave Upper HuttPak'nSave WairauPak'nSave WanganuiPak'nSave WestgatePak'nSave WhakatanePak'nSave Whangarei
北岛的Four Square:
Four Square KaiwakaFour Square AramohoFour Square AwapuniFour Square BayFour Square BJs WaitaraFour Square BombayFour Square BullsFour Square CastlecliffFour Square CherrywoodFour Square Coopers BeachFour Square CoromandelFour Square DannevirkeFour Square DargavilleFour Square EastbourneFour Square EastbrookFour Square Edmund RoadFour Square FoodworldFour Square FostersFour Square Foxton BeachFour Square Gulf HarbourFour Square Heaphy TerraceFour Square HikurangiFour Square RuotoriaFour Square HillcrestFour Square HouhoraFour Square Hunterville TaylorsFour Square IdealFour Square KamoFour Square KawakawaFour Square MangapapaFour Square MangawhaiFour Square MartinboroughFour Square MuruparaFour Square NgateaFour Square NgongotahaFour Square OakuraFour Square OhauitiFour Square Ohope BeachFour Square OkatoFour Square OneroaFour Square OpunakeFour Square PaeroaFour Square Papamoa BeachFour Square ParakaiFour Square ParuaFour Square PatumahoeFour Square PirongiaFour Square RaglanFour Square RuatoriaFour Square ShannonFour Square St JohnsFour Square StratfordFour Square Super SevenFour Square TairuaFour Square TamahereFour Square TaradaleFour Square Te PukeFour Square Te PunaFour Square The LakesFour Square Tokomaru BayFour Square TorbayFour Square Waiau PaFour Square Waihi BeachFour Square WaipawaFour Square WaipuFour Square Western Heights
北岛的Fresh Choice:
Fresh Choice Glen EdenFresh Choice GreytownFresh Choice Half Moon BayFresh Choice LeamingtonFresh Choice Mangere BridgeFresh Choice OmokoroaFresh Choice OtahuhuFresh Choice PapamoaFresh Choice RanuiFresh Choice RuakakaFresh Choice Te AwamutuFresh Choice Te NgaeFresh Choice Waimauku
SuperValue AvondaleSuperValue Bell BlockSuperValue EdgecumbeSuperValue FeatherstonSuperValue KumeuSuperValue PaetikiSuperValue PauanuiSuperValue RaglanSuperValue TitirangiSuperValue Waiuku
Redberry SupermarketNight 'n Day Victoria Alicetown EspressoSilverstream EspressoGilmours North Shore
南岛的New World:
New World AlexandraNew World AshburtonNew World Balclutha New World Bishopdale New World Blenheim New World Centre CityNew World Cromwell New World Durham St New World Elles Road New World Fendalton New World Ferry Road New World Gardens New World Gore New World Greymouth New World Halswell New World Hokitika New World Kaiapoi New World Kaikoura New World Lincoln New World Mosgiel New World Motueka New World Nelson City New World Northwood New World Oamaru New World Prestons New World Rangiora New World Rolleston New World St Martins New World Stanmore New World Stoke New World Temuka New World Three Parks New World Timaru New World Waimate New World Waitaki New World Wakatipu New World Wanaka New World Westport New World Wigram New World Windsor New World Winton
Pak'nSave Blenheim Pak'nSave Dunedin Pak'nSave Hornby Pak'nSave Invercargill Pak'nSave Moorhouse Pak'nSave Northlands Pak'nSave Queenstown Pak'nSave Rangiora Pak'nSave Riccarton Pak'nSave Richmond Pak'nSave Timaru Pak'nSave Wainoni
南岛的Four Squares
Four Square AkaroaFour Square AlexandraFour Square AlpineFour Square AmberleyFour Square ArrowtownFour Square AscotFour Square AtawhaiFour Square BluffFour Square BrightwaterFour Square BrockvilleFour Square CheviotFour Square Clutterbucks/MatauraFour Square ClydeFour Square CulverdenFour Square DarfieldFour Square FairlieFour Square Franz JosefFour Square FrasersFour Square HampdenFour Square Hanmer SpringsFour Square HavelockFour Square HawardenFour Square KarameaFour Square KurowFour Square LawrenceFour Square LumsdenFour Square MacKenzieFour Square ManiototoFour Square MapuaFour Square MatauraFour Square MethvenFour Square MitchellsFour Square MurchisonFour Square NetherbyFour Square NewfieldFour Square NightcapsFour Square OmaramaFour Square OtataraFour Square OtautauFour Square OwakaFour Square PalmerstonFour Square PictonFour Square Pleasant PointFour Square Port ChalmersFour Square RakaiaFour Square Redcliffs Four Square ReeftonFour Square RosebankFour Square Spring CreekFour Square St ClairFour Square Stafford StFour Square Stewart IslandFour Square TapanuiFour Square TapaweraFour Square Te AnauFour Square TekapoFour Square TokomairiroFour Square TuatapereFour Square TwizelFour Square WakefieldFour Square WanakaFour Square West MeltonFour Square WestonFour Square Wyndham
南岛的Fresh Choice
Fresh Choice BarringtonFresh Choice City MarketFresh Choice Cromwell Fresh Choice EdgewareFresh Choice GeraldineFresh Choice Green IslandFresh Choice LeestonFresh Choice MerivaleFresh Choice Nelson CityFresh Choice OxfordFresh Choice ParklandsFresh Choice PebbletonFresh Choice PictonFresh Choice QueenstownFresh Choice RichmondFresh Choice RoslynFresh Choice TakakaFresh Choice Te AnauFresh Choice Westport
SuperValue FendaltonSuperValue Lyttelton SuperValue Mandeville SuperValue Methven SuperValue Milton SuperValue Otautau SuperValue PlazaSuperValue Reefton SuperValue Renwick SuperValue Riverton SuperValue Roxburgh SuperValue Sumner SuperValue Tinwald
Night & Day Foodstores Group
Night 'n Day ArrowtownNight 'n Day Balclutha Night 'n Day Blenheim Night 'n Day CavershamNight 'n Day Church StNight 'n Day Dee St Night 'n Day Elles Rd Night 'n Day Green Island Night 'n Day Hagley Night 'n Day Kaikoura Night 'n Day Milton Night 'n Day Park Night 'n Day Regent Night 'n Day Richmond Night 'n Day ShotoverNight 'n Day Stoke Night 'n Day TayNight 'n Day Temuka Night 'n Day Washdyke Night 'n Day Winton Night 'n Day Woolston
On The Spot:
On the Spot Alray Dairy On the Spot Caltex Dyers Road On the Spot Caltex WanakaOn the Spot Collingwood FoodcentreOn the Spot Fox GlacierOn the Spot Ikamatua StoreOn the Spot Kaiteriteri On the Spot Longhurst On the Spot Otematata On the Spot Riversdale On the Spot Hawea Store & Kitchen
Allenton FreshAmalgamated Food DistributorsAssociated DistributorsBeano's BakeryBidfood Fresh ChristchurchBidfood NelsonBidfood TimaruBr/eads of EuropeHarvest Market Ferry RoadJimmy's PiesJoknal ProductsMad Butcher RiccartonMarlborough Food Distributors LtdMediterrean Foods MarlboroughMetro Mart ColomboMetro Mart Oxford TerraceMobil Bealey AveMobil WigramMobil St MartinsMobil RakaiaNelson Food DistributorsNew Brighton FreshMediterranean Foods, RangioraNPD MoorhouseNPD RollestonNPD RedwoodOmakau SupermarketPicton ProvedoringPiko Whole FoodsRaeward Fresh HarewoodRaeward Fresh RichmondRaeward Fresh Tower JunctionRaeward Fresh QueenstownRanfurly SupermarketRangiora Produce Market LtdService FoodsSouthern Alp Sprouts LtdSouthland Food Services LtdTerrace Distributors LtdTotally Gluten Free BakeryVeggie Boys LtdZesto Convenience StoreZesto Colombo St
新西兰新西兰气象机构NIWA在今天(2月5日)发布的月度气候摘要中称,上个月全国平均气温为16.4℃,为2017年以来的最冷一月份。 资料图。Photo / NZ Herald NIWA表示,上个月北岛中部和南部以及南 ...
新西兰男子“帮人带行李”内藏20公斤可卡因 在
新西兰最近,一名新西兰男子被控向澳大利亚走私20公斤可卡因,媒体报道称,他接受了一名“匿名人士”提供的免费美国度假之旅,以为对方让他带一些“香烟和电子烟”,没想到携带的却是 ...
新西兰根据新西兰统计局最新发布的数据,新西兰的总体失业率已达到5.1%,2024年四季度失业总人数上升至156,000人。 但今天公布的另一个数据更为揪心:新西兰年轻人首当其冲地受到经济衰退 ...
NZ又有警车遭到冲撞 造成1名警员受伤
新西兰警方称,昨晚(2月5日)在怀卡托Huntly地区,一辆警方巡逻车遭到一名男子驾车冲撞,造成一名警员受伤入院。 事件发生在昨晚8点左右。 警方发言人表示,这名警员中度受伤,并被送往 ...
新西兰进行租赁活动时,一些租户和房东会因为各种原因而产生矛盾。那么,双方到底为什么会发生“斗争”呢?根据最近发布的租赁法庭数据(去年共有29,292宗案件被审理),揭示了常见的 ...
新西兰去年,网曾报道过,新西兰政府认为新西兰“最大的房东”公屋署(Kāinga Ora)存在严重的财务问题,因此决定对公屋署彻底“整改”。近日,新西兰住房部长Chris Bishop概述了政府的计划 ...
Luxon怀唐伊日发表演讲 重申不支持《条约原则法
新西兰今天(2月6日)是新西兰一年一度的怀唐伊日,总理Christopher Luxon今天上午在Ōnuku发表讲话,纪念《怀唐伊条约》签署185周年。 总理Luxon等人以一首毛利民谣结束演讲。photo:George Heard ...
新西兰2024年11月27日下午,载有新西兰总理Christopher Luxon和财长Nicola Willis的专车被一辆安保车追尾,导致两车受损。新披露的文件显示,这起发生在一处环形路口的事故是“误判”导致,并详 ...
新西兰进入2025年已经一个多月的时间,今年房市会发生怎样的变化呢?专家认为,最重要的事情是提前做好准备,尤其是针对房市场可能会出现的回升(反弹)的情况,这样便能在今年的房市 ...
北岛骑摩托男孩被枪杀 警方呼吁目击者提供线索
新西兰一周前,新西兰北地少年Kyle Jenkins骑摩托车时被枪杀,警方已指控一名嫌疑人谋杀。目前,北地警方呼吁民众提供一辆“独特”的红色轿车的目击线索。 警方已经发现了这辆车,呼吁民 ...
新西兰今天(2月6日)中午,新西兰消防(FENZ )对Central Otago地区一栋历史悠久建筑发生的火灾作出了响应,该建筑是新西兰最古老的在营电影院的所在地。 Roxburgh Town Hall发生火灾。Source: Ta ...
新西兰新西兰一对老夫妻陷入一场精心策划的电信投资骗局,被骗走超过32万纽币,其中20万纽币无法追回(详情点击这里)。根据最新报道,负责转账的银行Westpac同意支付8万纽币,作为“善 ...
向“数字游民”敞开了大门 新西兰要为此付出什
新西兰作为推动经济增长的举措之一,新西兰政府已于上个月底放宽了访客签证条件,向“数字游民”敞开了大门,以吸引更多的游客。那么,新西兰需要为此付出的代价是什么? Photo / Unsp ...
奥克兰亚裔男子打造“AI律师” 获1600万美元风投
新西兰Ivo是一家在奥克兰成立的初创公司,主打利用人工智能审查法律合同。目前该公司在A轮风投中筹集了1600万美元(2800万纽币)。 Ivo公司首席执行官Min-Kyu Jung(右)和首席技术官Jacob Dul ...
北岛一男教师“裸聊”成瘾 不慎将私密照发给前
新西兰新西兰北岛Taranaki一名男教师向他认为的“十几岁男孩”发送自己的不雅视频,直至在不经意间发给一名前学生,决定向警方自首。 近日,该男子在新普利茅斯地方法院出庭受审,法官 ...
男子驾水上摩托穿越库克海峡时失踪 搜寻4天无果
新西兰目前,新西兰数十名海岸警卫队志愿者正在搜寻一名试图驾驶水上摩托穿越库克海峡时失踪的男子。 据报道,这名男子周一(2月3日)从塔斯曼区出发后失踪。来自马尔堡和Mana的海岸警 ...
恭喜:行动党党魁David Seymour证实与女友订婚
新西兰据新西兰媒体周四(2月6日)披露,新西兰“钻石单身汉”、行动党党魁David Seymour已经与女友订婚,这个消息也得到了他的新闻秘书的确认。 据报道,将在今年就任新西兰副总理的Se ...
新西兰今日(2月7日),MetService表示,罗托鲁瓦、丰盛湾内陆、怀卡托地区、塔拉纳基(Taranaki)北部、陶波和泰哈佩(Taihape)北部将在今日迎来强降雨,并伴有“中等程度雷暴风险”。 此次 ...
新西兰昨夜,奥克兰高速公路上发生两起致命事故,导致两人死亡。其中,一号高速(SH1)发生车祸,北向车流中断数小时,今早仍有延误。 警方表示,两起事故属于不同的“致命事件”。 ...
新西兰近日,库克群岛民众计划抗议游行,反对库克群岛政府“破坏与新西兰关系的举措”! 近期,库克群岛政府的一系列决策引发民众强烈不满——包括发行库克群岛本国护照,以及与中国 ...