英文原文:Private fireworks display mystifies Aucklanders123RF
这场烟花秀是Seafearers Club的庆祝活动一部分。
So what was that extremely expensive-looking fireworks display in downtown Auckland about?
— Russell Brown (@publicaddress) 2018年5月2日“所以奥克兰downtown,这场看起来花费不菲的烟花表演是为了什么?”
Ok someone just let of 100k of fireworks in Auckland
— TristanRS (@TristanRS) 2018年5月2日“有人刚刚在奥克兰放了10万纽币的烟花。”
Rather unexpected #fireworks display over #Auckland harbour just now. Made even more dramatic by the multitude of echoes from the buildings in the city. Anyone know what it was in aid of? pic.twitter.com/5NM1AsoNQ1
— Andrew Tyrrell (@_andrewtyrrell_) 2018年5月2日“奥克兰海港刚刚上演一场神奇的烟花表演,整个城市的建筑都有巨大回声,十分壮观。有人知道是在庆祝什么吗?”
So the entirety of Auckland heard those fireworks aye. Thought we were under attack for a moment there
— 🤔 Josh G Spark 🥂 (@_OUA_) 2018年5月2日“整个奥克兰都能听见这些烟花,一度以为我们遭到攻击了呢。”
Can anyone tell me why the loudest fireworks in history is happening on a Wednesday night in Auckland?
— Jason JT Tikao (@JTCoast) 2018年5月2日