

编者按:8月23人Wetex Kang 江威德 (毛利党Botany候选人) 给Winston Peters的一封公开信,以下为中文及英文版本,均由江威德提供。

亲爱的Mr Peters: 在2002年7月您声称作为一位新西兰毛利人,您的祖先来自中国大陆。您引用梅西大学的研究报告,证实了毛利人的先祖来自于一个叫做高山族的高山部落。  您好说:“这意味着我有中国血统。”  在2017年8月23日您攻击华社声称中国航空公司的员工住进了曾经的特别住宅地区,这片土地是规划好用于解决奥克兰住房危机的。 我想问问您,如果是英国航空公司的员工住进这片区域你会攻击他们吗?虽然这两家都是外国航空公司。 您发表了一篇题为" Mt Albert国有住房土地落入中国人之手"的文章,还附上了一张照片,房子上的横幅用中英文写着:热烈欢迎航空服务局领导视察南航奥克兰员工公寓。”如果您说" Mt Albert国有住房土地落入英国人之手",同时房子上的横幅写着: “Warmly welcome the leadership from Aviation Services Department to British Airlines Crew Apartment in Auckland, New Zealand. "您认为您的选民会有同样的反应吗? 您可能都不屑写这篇文章,因为国家党政府吸引外国投资的政策很受欢迎。 据报道2013年Housing NZ以876万纽币将这片土地卖给了私人开发商。如此说来,您有何权力对这位开发商指手画脚,侵犯他的公民权,告诉他该如何处置自己的资产? 我来新西兰27年了,和一位美丽的白人姑娘结了婚,有了两个孩子。新西兰是我家,我想代表占新西兰总人口9.6% 的亚裔人口请您停止攻击我们。我想您之所以选择我们是因为您认为我们不能保护自己。我想告诉您Winston,我被称为“来自东方的大嘴巴”,我会对您的每一句种族歧视的言论作出回应。您可以像5周前在Kumeu的公开会上一样回避我。5周前我三次站在麦克风前您都拒绝与我对视。我是那间屋子里唯一的亚洲人,也许您是被我的竞选经理Tame Iti吓住了。当时您对外国航空公司作了类似的评价。也许中国南方航空公司的服务令您不满? 如果我进了国会,我发誓要让您为自己的每一句种族歧视言论负责。


Press Release


Wetex Kang Maori Party Candidate for Botany

23 August 2017


An open letter to Winston Peter


Why are you picking on us?


Dear Mr Peter,


In July 2002, you claimed that as a New Zealand maori, your ancestors came from mainland China. You went as far as citing massey university research, citing the fact that maori were descended from a high mountain national tribe, called GAO Shan Zhu.


You also said " That means I have Chinese blood in me". 


On the 23th of August 2017, you attacked our community relating to Chinese airline crew moving into a former special housing area that was designed to help solve Auckland’s housing crisis.


I would like to know if you will mount the same attack if British Airway’s crews moved into the same housing area? Both airlines are supposedly foreign.



You also released a statement titled “Mt Albert state housing land now in Chinese hands”, you attached a photo showing a banner in front of a house in Chinese and English: “Warmly welcome the leadership from Aviation Services Department to China Southern Airlines Crew Apartment in Auckland, New Zealand." Do you think that your voters will respond the same way if you instead stated:



“Mt Albert state housing land now in English hands” and perhaps attached a photo showing a banner in front of a house in  English: “Warmly welcome the leadership from Aviation Services Department to British Airlines Crew Apartment in Auckland, New Zealand.


You will probably not bothered to even publish the article because the National party government will be congratulated for attracting foreign income.


It was reported that Housing NZ sold the land in 2013 to a private developer for $8.76 millions, if it is the case, why do you think you have the rights to interfere with and subsequently violated the civil rights of this developer by telling him what to do with his possession?


I have been in New Zealand for 27 years and I have married a beautiful Caucasian girl and we have 2 children. New Zealand is my home and I would like to plead with you, on behalf of the rest of my Asian community (9.6% of the NZ population) to stop attacking us. I believe you have chosen Asians because you believe we cannot defend ourselves. I have news for you Winston, I have been named the “big mouth from the EAST” and I will respond to every single of your racist responses. You can avoid me the same way you have avoided me when I attended your public meeting at Kumeu 5 weeks ago. I stood up with the microphone 5 weeks ago 3 times in a row and you refused to even look at me. I was the only Asian in the room, maybe you were intimidated by my campaign manager, Tame Iti. You made similar comments about foreign airlines. Maybe you had bad service from China Southern Airline?


If I ever make it to parliament, I promise you that I will hold you accountable to every single one of your racist comments.


Thank you.




Wetex Kang

The Maori Party Dragon-Taniwha Candidate (毛利选举人)


B Pharm (HONS) PGCertEd GradDipSci DipBus (franchising)



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