新西兰工党:拗不过现实 国家党拍板奥克兰交通计划


  林布朗的奥克兰计划被政府重新宣布,表明约翰基和国家党终于拗不过现实而听天由命了。  工党奥克兰事务发言人菲尔•特福德就此评论说:多年来国家党极力否认有必要认真考虑-个奥克兰未来交通系统的整体计


  工党奥克兰事务发言人菲尔•特福德就此评论说:多年来国家党极力否认有必要认真考虑-个奥克兰未来交通系统的整体计划。然而长时间以来奥克兰人就认为本市明摆着是需要City Rail Link城区铁路连线、East West Link东西连线,然后最终应当建第二座跨海大桥。   奥克兰计划出台已经多年并且人人支持――现在,终于约翰基也加入了支持者之列。






  PHIL TWYFORD  Auckland Issues Spokesperson

  28 June 2013                      MEDIA STATEMENT

  National finally gets on-board with Auckland transport plan

  John Key and National have finally bowed to the inevitable, by effectively re-announcing Len Brown’s Auckland Plan, says Labour’s Auckland Issues spokesperson, Phil Twyford.

  “National has been in denial for years about the need to get serious about an integrated plan for the future of Auckland’s transport system.  The need for the City Rail Link, the East West Link and ultimately a second harbour crossing has long been obvious to Aucklanders.

  “The Auckland Plan has been around for years, everyone supports it – and now at last John Key has come to the party.

  “Coming on the back of National's U-turn on the City Rail Link, this week has been a huge win for the popular Labour Mayor Len Brown. He deserves big credit for finally dragging National over the line.

  “But there are still big questions that remain unanswered around timing and funding.

  “The Prime Ministers is talking about a ten billion dollar commitment to three projects but in his speech he was completely silent about how he is going to pay for them.  Where on earth is the money coming from?

  “He wants to speed up AMETI and the East West Link.  Fair enough - but Labour also thinks the City Rail Link should be fast-tracked too.  If work started now it could be in service by the time John Key plans to get his shovel out in 2020.

  “This is the National-led Government playing catch up. They have antagonised and ignored Auckland. They have spent the last three years undermining the Auckland super-city that they set up, and its mayor, Len Brown.

  “Now they have finally woken up to Auckland.  Well, better late than never I suppose.  It’s just a shame their neglect and inaction has held the city back for so long,” says Phil Twyford.

  Authorised by Phil Twyford MP, Parliament Buildings, Wellington.  


NZ又有警车遭到冲撞 造成1名警员受伤

新西兰警方称,昨晚(2月5日)在怀卡托Huntly地区,一辆警方巡逻车遭到一名男子驾车冲撞,造成一名警员受伤入院。 事件发生在昨晚8点左右。 警方发言人表示,这名警员中度受伤,并被送往 ...