

       联储主席Ben Bernanke决定除非失业率出现大幅下降,否则不会提高利率――这一决策凸显出国家党传统货币政策的局限性。   Ben Bernanke已宣布他不会提升美联储利率,直至失业率从7.7%降到6.5%再说

  联储主席Ben Bernanke决定除非失业率出现大幅下降,否则不会提高利率――这一决策凸显出国家党传统货币政策的局限性。  Ben Bernanke已宣布他不会提升美联储利率,直至失业率从7.7%降到6.5%再说。而在新西兰过时的储备银行法框架下,我们的财政总长却没办法这么做。  政府是这么说的:“通过将未来的货币政策更多地与经济形势捆绑在一起,我们的方针应当是…让货币政策更透明、对公众而言更有预见性。”  Ben Bernanke的这一动作得到广泛称赞。可惜国家党并不打算在我国推行这样的措施。  新西兰目前的失业率已达7.3%,只比美国的7.7%略低一点点。可是我国的储备银行却被要求将对付通胀摆在诸如就业和汇率等一些重要的经济领域之前来解决。  我们必须改变这种局面――这就要求我国的储备银行法要作出相应改变。但国家党政府拒绝作出改变。  我国目前的失业率高达7.3%,而明年我国的经常项目逆差将会是发达国家中最高的一个。我国的汇率在日前冲抵5年来的新高,贸易加权指数也已达到75.47。  新西兰正明显面临海外竞争力下降的现实。政府对此漠然视之,置人民于风险之中。这造成失业以及国际债务的上升等一系列后果。  所有这些都是严重的结构性问题,可是我国的储备银行却被要求把重点放在通胀上,即便眼下的通胀率才0.8%。我们应当改变货币政策以求跟上世界上其他国家的步子。把考虑通胀放在首要地位的做法已经不合时宜。现在应当是像美国那样要重点考虑就业和汇率的时候了。(霍建强议员办公室供稿)  David  PARKER  Spokesperson for Finance                         14 December 2012                                                         MEDIA STATEMENT  National left behind on monetary policy  Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke’s decision to not raise the interest rates until there’s a significant drop in unemployment highlights the limitations of National’s orthodox monetary policy, says Labour’s Finance spokesperson David Parker.  “Ben Bernanke has announced that he will not raise US interest rates until unemployment drops from 7.7% to 6.5%. Under New Zealand’s outdated Reserve Bank Act our Governor can’t do that.  “The Governor said: ‘By tying future monetary policy more explicitly to economic conditions, this formulation of our policy guidance should ... make monetary policy more transparent and predictable to the public’.   “Ben Bernanke’s move has been widely lauded. Unfortunately National has no intention of allowing that to happen here.   “New Zealand’s unemployment rate is 7.3%, just below America’s 7.7% but our Reserve Bank is required to give primacy to inflation-targeting over other important economic areas such as jobs and the exchange rate.  “We need to change that – to do that we must change the Act. National refuses to do that.  “We have an unemployment rate of 7.3% and next year will have the worst current account deficit in the developed world. Despite that our exchange rate hit a five-year high yesterday with the trade weighted index hitting 75.47.  “New Zealand most clearly faces competitive devaluation abroad. The Government is ignoring it at our peril. Job losses and rising international debt are the consequences.  “These are massive structural issues but our Reserve Bank is required to give primacy to inflation, even though it’s only 0.8%. We need to change monetary policy to keep up with the rest of the world. The primacy given to inflation has passed its use-by date. It’s time to take other areas such as jobs and the exchange rate into account as in America.”


NZ又有警车遭到冲撞 造成1名警员受伤

新西兰警方称,昨晚(2月5日)在怀卡托Huntly地区,一辆警方巡逻车遭到一名男子驾车冲撞,造成一名警员受伤入院。 事件发生在昨晚8点左右。 警方发言人表示,这名警员中度受伤,并被送往 ...