新西兰工党专栏文章:失业率冲高峰 宝拉本内特再探新


  面对新西兰失业率冲达13年来最高峰的现实,社会发展部长宝拉本内特那种假仁假义的态度对于在苦苦找寻工作的国人而言实在是傲慢之极。  有人对她在这样一个人人苦寻工作、失业率达到本世纪最高的艰难时期还采取











  Social Development Spokesperson 

  13 November 2012                                                   MEDIA STATEMENT

  Bennett stoops to new low

  With unemployment at a 13-year high Social Development Minister Paula Bennett’s holier- than-thou attitude to Kiwis struggling to find work is arrogance at its worst, Labour’s Social Development spokesperson JacindaArdern says.

  “Her responses to questions around her increasingly punitive approach to social security at a time when the number of people looking for work has reached the highest level this century were just plain nasty.

  “To read out a list of supposed job vacancies – thus implying work is freely available if people are looking for it – is a pretty low blow.

  “Ms Bennett’s assertion that there are jobs out there for the 175,000 people that we know are actively looking for work ignores the fact that on her watch unemployment benefit rates have doubled and Kiwis are lining up in their hundreds for a small number of jobs.

   “The only action she’s taken to ‘help’ people being forced on to the dole queue – largely through the Government’s failure to create jobs or manage the economy - has been to almost double her use of sanctions.

  “To have a Minister try and back up her misguided view that there is work for anyone who is actively looking for it by reading out job ads sets a new low.

  “To have the same Minister – who is responsible for the more than 50,000 Kiwis on an unemployment benefit - imply they aren’t looking hard enough is just insulting.

  “What out of work Kiwis need is a Government that is genuine about helping create jobs, not a Minister in denial,” JacindaArdern said.



新西兰澳洲反对党领袖彼得·达顿表示,他将在明年的联邦大选中承诺建造七座核电站,并承诺首批核电站将在2035年至2037年间投入运营。这些核电站的选址都是即将或已经退役的火力发电厂。 ...