新西兰工党发言人:低工资没有未来 会让更多人去澳洲


  工党领袖大卫•谢尔表示 国家党计划降低新西兰年青人工资只会逼得更多人存钱买机票到澳洲去找机会。  在国家党的领导下,有两万一千多个年龄介于18-30岁的新西兰年青人已经前往澳洲去找更好的工作机会。把

  工党领袖大卫•谢尔表示 国家党计划降低新西兰年青人工资只会逼得更多人存钱买机票到澳洲去找机会。




  工党的计划却不一样。 工党致力于通过创新与支持新西兰企业来创造财富。 我们不能袖手旁观看着制造业的工作流失 – 在过去4年里我国已经失去4万个制造业的工作岗位。



  工党劳工事务发言人 Darien Fenton则表示国家党再次推出青年工资只能证明约翰基把重点放在削减工资而不是创造就业机会。


  削减年青人的工资只是冰山一角, 其他问题诸如改变劳工法也会对工人打击很大,而且让他们越来越难拿到公平的一份工资。

  新西兰人们都很担心就业保障和工资停滞不涨的问题。他们想要精明与新的想法,而不是重用以前失败的政策。(霍建强议员办公室 供稿)

  David  SHEARER  Labour Leader  09 October 2012


  Low wage future no future at all

  National's plan to pay young Kiwis low wages will just see them saving up their $10 an hour for a plane ticket to Australia, says Labour Leader David Shearer.

  "Under National's watch, 21,733 young Kiwis aged between 18-30 have headed to Australia looking for better jobs and opportunities.  Paying lower wages will just drive more of them offshore.    "We need an economy that provides decent, secure jobs and good incomes and where young people have hope and opportunity not the low-wage vision promoted by National.

  "John Key is resigned to New Zealand being second best. He’s content with our country being a place of low wages and less opportunity, where people are leaving in droves for jobs overseas and where we are falling behind the rest of the world.

  "Labour's plan is very different. We will create wealth through innovation and by supporting our businesses.  We can't sit back and continue to see manufacturing jobs being shed - 40,000 have already been lost over the last four years.

  Labour has real ideas that will make a difference. We will pay employers the equivalent of the dole to take on apprentices, raise the minimum wage, create a world-class education system, foster innovation through research and development tax breaks, tackle the high dollar by changing monetary policy and encouraging investment in the productive sector through a capital gains tax.

  "New Zealand needs to change," says David Shearer.

  Darien Fenton, Labour's spokesperson on Labour issues, says the reintroduction of youth rates just confirms that John Key's focus is on cutting wages rather than job creation.

  "Paying young workers less just shows how bankrupt of ideas the Government is when it comes to tackling unemployment and creating secure, decent jobs.

  "Cutting young people's pay is just the tip of the iceberg. Changes to labour laws are also going to hit Kiwi workers hard and make it harder to get fair wages.

  "Kiwis are worried about job security and stagnating wages. They want smart new ideas not failed policies from the past," says Darien Fenton.


NZ又有警车遭到冲撞 造成1名警员受伤

新西兰警方称,昨晚(2月5日)在怀卡托Huntly地区,一辆警方巡逻车遭到一名男子驾车冲撞,造成一名警员受伤入院。 事件发生在昨晚8点左右。 警方发言人表示,这名警员中度受伤,并被送往 ...