



  工党社会发展事务发言人杰辛达•阿登是在日前澳大利亚公司Taylor Fry公布了一份报告之后发表了上述评论。这份报告是针对纽西兰未来的社会保障作了“精算估价”。


  Taylor Fry是一家为保险、航空、能源领域作估价的澳大利亚专业公司。来自这家公司的报告结论和社会发展部部长宝拉•本内特就在18个月前让她的部门才做的一份报告如出一辙。









  Jacinda      ARDERN  Social Development Spokesperson    12 September 2012                                                   MEDIA STATEMENT  Accounting exercise largely tells us what we already know

  When the Government is prepared to pay an Australian company almost $1 million to tell it what it should already know – that we need jobs and we need to ensure people have the skills and health they need to move into them – you have to question its agenda and its priorities, Labour’s Social Development spokesperson Jacinda Ardern says.

  Her comments follow the release today of a report by Australian company Taylor Fry on the ‘actuarial valuation’ of the future cost of social security in New Zealand.

  “Of course it makes sense to know what the cost of social security is from a budget perspective, and this is a job Treasury and MSD do well. But this is simply an exercise in accounting that takes us no closer to getting people into work.

  “Taylor Fry is an Australian company that specialises in valuations for the insurance, aviation and energy sectors. Its report echoes a similar one Paula Bennett tasked her department with just 18 months ago.

  “Unsurprisingly both reports find being out of work for any length of time hugely influences future costs, and that the biggest costs are not around the unemployment benefit. 

  “This is not new information. We know that we need jobs, people to be healthy and well enough to take on work, training opportunities, and to address the barriers for parents moving into employment. 

  “This is what an active social security system should do, and what we have been calling for. It’s a shame the Minister needed an Australian company to tell her this.

  “The Government describes the idea of investing up front - so we don’t have people staying on Government support long term – as ‘taking an investment approach’. I’d call it common sense and the right thing to do. 

  “But putting a price on something is one thing; what action we take is another.

  “The Government is picking and choosing what it wants to quantify the costs of, based on what is the most politically convenient.

  “What Ms Bennett isn’t telling us is that superannuation is costing taxpayers twice as much a year as all main benefits combined, yet her Government steadfastly refuses to tackle the future costs of it. The same goes for child poverty which is costing us between $6 billion and $8 billion a year.

  “If the government wants to tackle the big future costs, it can’t continue to pick and choose. It also can’t ignore root causes, and on that count its poor economic management is right up there. Exercises in accounting won’t change that,” said Jacinda Ardern


NZ又有警车遭到冲撞 造成1名警员受伤

新西兰警方称,昨晚(2月5日)在怀卡托Huntly地区,一辆警方巡逻车遭到一名男子驾车冲撞,造成一名警员受伤入院。 事件发生在昨晚8点左右。 警方发言人表示,这名警员中度受伤,并被送往 ...