









  就在路易莎•沃议员的婚姻补充法案进行国会一读的前两天,新西兰家庭优先党(Family First NZ)发表声明说教会的牧师们将要被迫违心为同性伴侣主婚。这一声明其实是基于错误的观念――即认为主婚神父是执行公务,从而必须遵守新西兰权利法案(1990)的相关法令。

  但是,虽然路易莎•沃议员在她的议案中将为包括同性和变性伴侣在内的所有新人发放结婚证列为一项公共义务,却不能强迫任何一位司仪神父为上述新人伴侣主婚――如果神父认为这么做与他们自己的信仰或良心相违。 沃女士的补充法案对于现有婚姻法第29款下的绝对权利丝毫无损。




  The Marriage (Definition of Marriage) Amendment Bill

  The Marriage (Definition of Marriage) Amendment Bill passed its first reading in Parliament this week. It will now be considered by a select committee and public submissions will be called for.

  This Bill defines marriage as between two people, regardless of their sex, sexual orientation or gender identity.

  The Bill has attracted passionate reactions from a number of quarters and the result of that passion has seen statements that reflect a diversity of opinions across our society.  The ability to have a say about this issue is fundamental and it is important to highlight that this is an important aspect of a modern democratic society.

  What this bill does not do is require any person, or church, to carry out a marriage if it does not fit with the beliefs of the celebrant or the religious interpretation that a church has.

  This Bill does not affect a religious groups' definition of marriage. Nor does it affect a person's personal views about marriage. This Bill is about the civil regulation of marriage.

  That is separate to the religious or biblical view or definition of marriage which is not part of the law.

  Under the current Act section 29 states that a celebrant/minister is not obliged to marry a couple just because they have a licence. It is a choice and that section remains unchanged.

  Churches will not be obliged to marry same-sex couples. In the same way as a celebrant or minister is not obliged to marry a couple so too is a Church free to decline to solemnise a marriage of a couple if it chooses. There is no change to the current situation.

  About two days before Louisa Wall’s Marriage Amendment Bill was due to have its first reading in Parliament, a legal opinion was produced by Family First NZ which stated that Church ministers will be obliged to carry out same-sex weddings against their wishes.  The opinion was based on the erroneous notion that marriage celebrants are carrying out a public duty and accordingly the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990 will apply.

  Although Louisa Wall’s Bill will establish a public duty on the part of the registrar to issue a marriage licence to all persons including gay, lesbian and transgendered persons, no public duty or obligation can be imposed on any individual celebrant to carry out that marriage if it transpires that such is against their own particular belief structures or conscience.  Ms Wall’s amendment does not take away the absolute right under section 29 of the Marriage Act to say no.

  Even in the case of registrars section 29 of the Marriage Act provides the registrar also with a power to say no. 

  Assertions that this bill will impact on the freedoms that private organisations such as churches have, to conduct or not to conduct their religious ceremonies, including marriage ceremonies, in accordance with their customs, doctrines and religious usages are wrong. Such ceremonies are not somehow “public” in nature and the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act will not apply. Such misinformation is unhelpful.

  This Bill simply enables marriage equality between consenting adults underpinned by principles of love, fairness and equality of opportunity for all New Zealand citizens


NZ又有警车遭到冲撞 造成1名警员受伤

新西兰警方称,昨晚(2月5日)在怀卡托Huntly地区,一辆警方巡逻车遭到一名男子驾车冲撞,造成一名警员受伤入院。 事件发生在昨晚8点左右。 警方发言人表示,这名警员中度受伤,并被送往 ...