

  工党领袖大卫•谢尔指出,因出售国有资产而损失的 $10亿纽元税收将要由新西兰的老爸老妈们去填补――因为总理约翰基要用这笔钱给私人投资者发奖金。    约翰基拒绝回答所谓的忠诚度奖金计划会如何运作

   工党领袖大卫•谢尔指出,因出售国有资产而损失的 $10亿纽元税收将要由新西兰的老爸老妈们去填补――因为总理约翰基要用这笔钱给私人投资者发奖金。




  去年財政部指出,如果我国保持额外9% 的国有资产股份,也就是说只卖40%而不是49%,那国国库税收损失的收入就大约是$13亿。1 可是,这个税收损失却将由新西兰纳税人来填补,目的是为私人投资者得利的奖金计划买单。这根本是不公平的。




  这又是一份让纳税人成为最终受害者的猾头交易。 约翰基应该老实对新西兰人承认出售国有资产带来的利益比他所承诺的要少,而且也不符合我国的最大利益。



  (霍建强议员办公室 供稿)

  1 http://www.comu.govt.nz/resources/pdfs/mixed-ownership-model/b11-2040013.pdf


  David  SHEARER  Labour Leader  23 July 2012


  National’s billion dollar bonus stings taxpayers    Kiwi mum and dad taxpayers will potentially miss out on $1 billion dollars in revenue lost from the asset sales to pay for John Key’s bonus scheme for private investors, says Labour Leader David Shearer.   “John Key is refusing to say how the so-called loyalty scheme will work and how much it will cost. We’re seeing great big chunks of the promised windfall from this venture eaten into by brokerage fees, PR and advertising campaigns and now the bonus scheme. How many shares will have to be held back to cover that scheme?   “Treasury said last year that, for example, keeping back an additional 9% of the companies – selling down 40% rather than 49% - would cost around $1.3 billion in foregone revenue.1 It is Kiwi taxpayers who will have to cover the cost of the lost revenue to pay for a bonus scheme that benefits private investors. That is simply not fair.   “John Key is desperate to live up to his promise that 85-90% of the shares will end up in the hands of ‘Kiwi mums and dads’. That’s why he’s come up with his so-called loyalty scheme. But he’s not building up long-term ownership of shares as he claims, he’s just enticing people to hold onto the shares until after the next election, when with the extra loyalty shares they’ll be able to sell off even more to corporate and foreign buyers.   “It’s just another dodgy deal that will see taxpayers lose out in the end. John Key should be honest with New Zealanders and admit that these valuable assets will bring in less than he promised and that’s not in our best interests,” said David Shearer.    1 http://www.comu.govt.nz/resources/pdfs/mixed-ownership-model/b11-2040013.pdf



NZ又有警车遭到冲撞 造成1名警员受伤

新西兰警方称,昨晚(2月5日)在怀卡托Huntly地区,一辆警方巡逻车遭到一名男子驾车冲撞,造成一名警员受伤入院。 事件发生在昨晚8点左右。 警方发言人表示,这名警员中度受伤,并被送往 ...