

  混合所有制模式(The Mixed Ownership Model)议案通过使得国有电力企业和纽航被出售成为定局――这是国家的悲剧。      这项可憎的议案在国会以极微弱的多数被通过,而且是由在2011 年大选中只获0.6%的联

  混合所有制模式(The Mixed Ownership Model)议案通过使得国有电力企业和纽航被出售成为定局――这是国家的悲剧。    这项可憎的议案在国会以极微弱的多数被通过,而且是由在2011 年大选中只获0.6%的联合未来党领袖彼得•邓恩 (Peter Dunn)一票定乾坤。这对于我们的民主制度是一个嘲弄。彼得•邓恩和国家党议员将会为他们的决定而付出代价――下届大选便可见分晓。


  这个问题绝不会淡出人们的视线。不要以为法案通过了人们也就忘记了。政府今年还要出售大河电力 (Mighty River Power), 然后是明年卖掉另一个国有资产,后年又是一个。




  David   Shearer  Labour Leader

  Clayton  COSGROVE  SOEs Spokesperson

  26th of June 2012


  Asset sales will haunt National-led Government

  The passing of legislation allowing the sell-off of our energy companies and Air New Zealand is a national tragedy, says Labour Leader David Shearer.

  This obnoxious law was passed by a wafer thin majority thanks to a politician who got just 0.6% support from Kiwis at the last election. It is a travesty. Peter Dunne and National MPs will pay dearly for their actions when voters get their say at the next election.

  The legislation may have gone through. But the fight is not over. It simply moves from the debating chamber out onto the streets. New Zealanders are queuing up to sign the petition for a citizens-initiated referendum. This shows how strongly they are opposed to this asset sales agenda,” said David Shearer.

  This issue is not going to go away. It will not be a situation where the legislation passes and people forget. The Government will sell Mighty River Power this year, another of our assets next year and the year after,” said Clayton Cosgrove.

  This will be a weeping sore for National. Every time they sell an asset, the public will remember. And when power prices go up because of the privatisation of our energy companies, Kiwis will have John Key to thank.”

  National is still facing a number of hurdles, including the referendum. It will also have to answer to Kiwis if they sell the assets at rock bottom prices and they face potential legal action from Tūwharetoa and the Maori Council, says David Shearer.

  National’s determination to plough ahead with such an unpopular plan shows just how out of touch they are with Kiwis. National is not governing in New Zealand’s best interests,” said David Shearer.


NZ又有警车遭到冲撞 造成1名警员受伤

新西兰警方称,昨晚(2月5日)在怀卡托Huntly地区,一辆警方巡逻车遭到一名男子驾车冲撞,造成一名警员受伤入院。 事件发生在昨晚8点左右。 警方发言人表示,这名警员中度受伤,并被送往 ...