

  ACC总裁拉尔夫•斯蒂华(Ralph Stewart)的辞职再次证明ACC就在其部长朱迪柯林斯的眼皮底下每况愈下,乱象丛生。  不过在3年半之内,国家党已经将我国本来是世界一流的保险服务搅得一团糟。  我们目睹两

  ACC总裁拉尔夫•斯蒂华(Ralph Stewart)的辞职再次证明ACC就在其部长朱迪柯林斯的眼皮底下每况愈下,乱象丛生。






  13 June 2012                                                                MEDIA STATEMENT

  Collins presides over ‘chaos of resignations’

  The resignation of CEO Ralph Stewart is evidence of the utter chaos that ACC has descended into under the watch of Minister Judith Collins, says Labour’s ACC spokesperson Andrew Little.

  “In just three and a half years, National has managed to create a shambles out of our world-class insurance agency.

  “We have seen two resignations in two days in what is a desperate scramble by Judith Collins to try and regain credibility.

  “This is a political stitch-up and a last-ditch attempt to regain control of a situation which has escalated because Judith Collins has had her eye off the ball.

  “The Minister has been so focused on privacy complaints and litigation against her political opponents that she has been unable to dedicate herself to ensuring the corporation operates effectively and regains public trust.

  “The Prime Minister should relieve Judith Collins of the ACC portfolio and appoint a Minister who is capable of dedicating themselves fully to the job,” Andrew Little said.


NZ又有警车遭到冲撞 造成1名警员受伤

新西兰警方称,昨晚(2月5日)在怀卡托Huntly地区,一辆警方巡逻车遭到一名男子驾车冲撞,造成一名警员受伤入院。 事件发生在昨晚8点左右。 警方发言人表示,这名警员中度受伤,并被送往 ...