网报道,援引3news消息,尽管没有驾照,Kim Dotcom的老婆依然希望拿回她价值二十万纽币的梅赛德斯SUV。Mona Dotcom, 23, has applied to the courts for the return of her belongings Mona Dotcom,今年
网报道,援引3news消息,尽管没有驾照,Kim Dotcom的老婆依然希望拿回她价值二十万纽币的梅赛德斯SUV。Mona Dotcom, 23, has applied to the courts for the return of her belongings |
Mona Dotcom,今年23岁。目前向法庭申请拿回她的梅赛德斯SUV。该车在她的丈夫,38岁的Kim Dotcom,一月在豪宅被捕时被警方扣留。
Dotcom目前处于保释阶段,正在等待一场有关引渡去美国的听证会。在保释期间,Dotcom每月的生活费有两万纽币。而现在,Mrs Dotcom称,警方应该归还她的物品。
根据报告显示,该车为G55 Mercedes Benz,公里数仅为234千米。而Dotcom也向法庭表示,他的妻子没有驾照。
Mrs Dotcom同时向法庭称,她希望拿回自己21岁的生日礼物,一大一小两个玻璃纤维的Christian Colin的雕像。据悉,大的雕像价值十万纽币。
$6.5 million in modifications to the house.
Rent $1 million a year.
$600,000 a year to keep the house going.
Six staff cost about $29,000 a month.
$7000 a month on groceries.
Gas for heating and cooking $2000 a month.
Electricity $3500 a month.
Landline phone calls budgeted at $5000.
$1850 a week for lawn mowing.
$4200 a week for three full-time gardeners.