网 4月24日 报道,援引 nzherald 消息,明天是澳新军团日,新西兰各地将举行仪式和游行,以缅怀在加里波利之战牺牲的澳新军团将士。 以下为各地仪式及游行查询表:Akaroa Service 11:30am Akaroa War M

网 4月24日 报道,援引 nzherald 消息,明天是澳新军团日,新西兰各地将举行仪式和游行,以缅怀在加里波利之战牺牲的澳新军团将士。
AkaroaService 11:30amAkaroa War Memorial
AlbanyService 11amCoronation Hall, 21 Library Lane, Albany
AlexandraService 11am followed by a shared lunchAlexandra District Club, 35 Centennial Ave, Alexandra.
Amuri WaiauService 9.15am
ApitiService 10.15am and vintage military vehicle club displayApiti Hall
ArrowtownService 10.30amAthenaeum Hall, 33 Buckingham St, Arrowtown
AshburtonService 9amAshburton CemeteryDawn service 6.30am, Ashburton CenotaphBaring Sq West, Ashburton
AshhurstService 9.30amAshhurst Cemetery, cnr Cambridge Ave and Oxford St, Ashhurst
Auckland Museum Dawn Service: 5.45am. Auckland Museum Civic Service:10.00am. Veterans assemble in the underground car park at the southeast side of Auckland War Memorial Museum at 10.45am.Official party take their place on the Court of Honour at 10.55am. Veterans begin march at 11.00am.
Avondale RSA Parade assembles 9.30am outside the Avondale RSA Clubrooms, 7 Layard St, march off 9.40am with service at St Ninians Memorial, cnr Gt North & St Georges Rds. Parade and service 10am.
AwaruaService 10amTisbury Hall, Awarua
AwatereDawn service 6.30amSeddon War Memorial, Awatere
Awhitu Service Cenotaph Service commences 9am at Beachlands Civic. Parade and service at Beachlands School Hall. Service commences 9.30am. Parade assembly time 9.15am at Beachlands Chartered Club car park.
BalcluthaService 7.15amWar Memorial, Balclutha
BalfourService 10amBalfour Hall
BannockburnService 9am
Birkenhead RSA Birkenhead War Memorial Park, Mahara Ave. Parade will assemble in Mokoia Rd between the Bowling Club and Colonial Rd at 9.40am for march off at 9.50am. Service and parade 10am.
BenharService 10amCenotaph, Benhar
BluffService 7am
Bluff Memorial GroveService 11amBluff Cenotaph, 228 Marine Pde, Bluff
Bombay MemorialService 8.45am
BurnhamDawn service 5.50am
CambridgeDawn service 6amTown Hall, Cambridge
CartertonService 11amService at Cenotaph followed by a march to Carterton Event centre, Holoway St, Carterton
CheviotService 10.25amCenotaph, Cheviot
ChristchurchDawn parade and service 6.15amCranmer SquareThis service will be attended by Governor General Sir Jerry Mateparae,The service will start with a parade, followed by service at Cranmer Square memorial, shots fired, and fligth overhead by the Royal New Zealand Air Force
6.30am - Upper Riccarton War Memorial Library10am - Brighton Domain, 1029 Brighton Rd10am - Rolleston Ave9.15am - New Brighton
ClintonService 10am
CliveService 9.20amClive Memorial Square
CluthaService 10amLawrence Worship Centre
ClydeService 08:30Followed by a shared lunch at Alexandra District Club, 35 Centennial Ave, Alexandra.
Colac BayCitizens service 9amColac Bay Monument
College RiflesService 9.15am
CoromandelService 10amCoromandel War Memorial, Kapanga Rd, followed by morning tea 11am at Citizens Hall, Kapanea RdIf wet service also held at Citizens Hall, Kapanea Rd
CromwellService 10am
CustService 10amCust Community Hall
DannevirkeDawn service 5.45amService at Cenotaph, High St, Dannevirke,
Followed by a citizens service at the Centograph 9am, Wimbledon Civic Service 9am, Weber, Civic Service 10.15am, Norsewood, Civic Service 10.30 and Pongaroa, Civic Service 11.45
Dargaville6am Mount Wesley Returned Servicemen's Association Cemetery, Old Golf Course Rd.
BurwoodService 11am
DevonportService 10amCenotaph, DevonportFollowed by tea, coffee and sandwiches
Diamond HarbourService 10amMemorial Hall, Dipton
DunbackService 11amPalmerston-Waihemo RSA
DunedinDawn service 6.30amQueens Gardens, Dunedin
Posy laying ceremony 9.30amAndersons Bay Cemetery
Service 1.30pmOtago University
ANZAC Revue Concert 6.30pm at the Town Hall, The Octagon
DunrobinService 12.45pmMemorial, Dunrobin
DuntroonService 9.15amCenotaph, Duntroon
East Coast BaysDawn service 5.45am, RSA
EastbourneService 9.40amWar Memorial, Muritai Rd Eastbourne.Followed by refreshments the clubrooms and schools ANZAC Essay Competition results, Tuatoru St, Eastbourne.
EdendaleService 8am
EketahunaService 10amTown Hall, Eketahuna
EllesmereService 10am
Leeston Rugby Football Stadium, followed by a Servicemen parade, Burnham contingent, and wreath laying at the Cenotaph and refreshments at the stadium
If wet, the service will be held in clubrooms.
Eltham CemeteryService 9amEltham Memorial Gates
EskdaleService 9amWar Memorial Church, Eskdale
Fairfax CemeteryService 7.30am
Featherston RSAService 9.00am
Feilding War MemorialDawn Service 6.15am
FiordlandService 11.00am
Geraldine War Memorial, Talbot StService 9.00am
Glen Eden Waikumete CenotaphParade 6.00am
Glenbervie, Pehiaweri MaraeService 10.00am
GlenfieldService 11.30am
GoreDawn Service 6.30am
Granity War MemorialDawn Service 6.15am
Great Barrier Island Tryphena HallService 12.00pm
Grey LynnParticipants are assemble at 9.00am on the corner of Castle St and Richmond RdThe Parade starts at 9.45am in front of the RSA clubrooms
Greytown War memorial Baths Service 10.00am
HakaruService 10.00am733 Settlement Road Kaiwaka
Hakataramea MemorialService 06.15am
Halswell DomainService 9.00am
Hamilton, Cenotaph Memorial DriveDawn Service 6.00am
HarihariService 10.30am
Hastings, Ruseell Street CenotaphDawn Service 5.30am
HatumaService 9.00am
Havelock North CenotaphService 10.30am
Havelock Town HallService 10.00am
Hawera Memorial ArchDawn Service 6.30am
Heathcote ValleyDawn Service 6.15am
Hei Hei HornbyService 9.00am
Helensville Servicemen's CemeteryParade Begins at 6.00am the Parakai Monument followed by Cemetery Parade
Heriot Community CentreService 11.00am
Hinds HallService 10.00am
HobsonvilleService 11.00am
Hokianga WhirinakiDawn Service Whirinaki memorial cnr SH12 at Whirinaki School Road 6.30
Citizens Service South Hokianga War memorial Hall Opononi 11.00am
HokitikaService 11.00am
Huntly RSADawn Service 5.45am
Invercargill War MemorialService 7.00am
Kaeo Whangaroa Memorial HallService 10.30am
KaiapoiService 09.45am
KaikoheService 06.15am
Kaikoura Memorial HallService 11am
KaitaiaCommunity CentreService 11am
Kaitaia RSAService 05.30am
Kaitangata Memorial Hall10.30am
GisborneKaiti Esplanade, 9.30am
Kamo St Paul's Church Memorial HallService 10am
KatikatiService 10.15am
Kawakawa Memorial LibraryService 10am
KerikeriRSA ClubroomsService 6am
Kilbirnie, Wellington175 Onepu Road, Kilbirnie, 11.30am
Kurow Cemetery GatesWreath laying ceremony, 8.15am
Levin6.15am, dawn service at cenotaph, corner of Bath and Cambridge Streets
10.30am Citizens Service at cenotaph.
4.45pm Retreat Ceremonies, The Avenue Cemetery
5.15pm Tiro Tiro Road Cemetery
Little River Community HallService 09.30am
Lovells FlatService 9am
Lower HuttService 6am
LumsdenService 7am
LytteltonService 10am
Mahia Kaiuku MaraeService 5.45am
Manaia Cenotaph6.30am
Mangakino10.30am - Cemetery, Lake Road
Service 11am - Wairenga Rd
Mangonui Memorial HallService 11am
ManurewaService 5.45am - Corner Maich Road and Great South Road
MapuaService 11am
Maraekakaho Hall9.30am
MastertonService 5.55am - Cenotaph, Queen Elizabeth Park, Dixon St, Masterton
MatakaoaService 6am
Matakohe Kauri MuseumService 10.30am
Mataura War MemorialService 7am
Maungaturoto Cemetery6am
MethvenMemorial HallService 9.15am
MiddlemarchThe War MemorialService 11.15am
MiltonService 11am
Mission Bay Orakei RSA ClubService 10.15am
Montecillo Veterans' Home and HospitalService 11am
Morrinsville6am - Dawn service outside MPDC Council Chambers corner Thames St and Canada St.Citizens service at cenotaph Howie Park, Thames St, Morrinsville.
MosgielService 9.15am
MossburnService 7am
MotuekaService 6.30am
Mt Albert Parade and Service Cenotaph, Mt Albert War Memorial Reserve, New North Rd. Service commences 9.30am. Parade assembly time 9.15am - Alberton Rd shop car park. Parade starts 9.25am.
Mt Eden Parade and Service Mt Eden War Memorial Hall, 487 Dominion Rd. Service commences 11am. Parade assembly time 10.30am - cnr of Dexter Ave and Dominion Rd. Parade starts 10.50am.
Mt Roskill Parade and Service Mt Roskill War Memorial Hall, May Rd. Service commences 9.30am. Parade assembly time 9.15am - Cullen Ave and May Rd intersection. Parade starts 9.25am.
Mt Wellington Panmure Parade and Service Panmure Community Hall, Pilkington Rd. Service commences 9.30am. Parade assembly time 8.45am - RSA Clubrooms, 11 Pleasant View Rd. Parade starts 9am
New Lynn RSA Memorial Square. Parade and service 9.30am.
NewmarketThe public are asked to meet at Teed Street at 9:30am for a 9:45am departure. The parade will start at 9:45, lead by the Auckland City Pipe Band, and travel down Broadway to the War Memorial Park (by the Olympic pool) for a 10:00 service at Olympic Park.
Ngaiotonga MaraeService 7am
Ngatea11.15am - War Memorial Hall. Parade meets 10.30am RSA club rooms Pipiroa Rd Ngatea. March to War Memorial Hall, Orchard Road for 11am service.
Ngunguru Sports ComplexService 6.45am
NorthcoteWar Memorial HallService 10.45am
NuhakaService 10am
OamaruService 6.30am - WW1 Memorial, Thames Street.
OhaiCommunity HallService 10am
OhakuneService 10am
Okaihau College HallService 11am
Okato CenotaphService10am
OmakauMemorial HallService10am
Omakere Community HallService 9am
Omarama MemorialService 11am
Omihi9.15am - Wreath laying10am - Waipara11am - Citizens service, Amberley
Onehunga RSA10am - Princes Street. Raffles and band from 4pm - 8pm
Opononi War Memorial HallService 11am
Opunake6am - Dawn service, Opunake cenotaph8am - Services cemetary, Opunake12.30pm - Activities at Te Kiri hall6pm - Activities at Pihama Hall
Orepuki School Memorial GatesService 9am
OrmondvilleService midday
OtahuhuService 6.30am
Otaki6am - Dawn service, Main Street, Otaki. Citizens service, Waikanae Memorial Hall, 7 Pehi Kupa St. Retreat service at Servicemen's cemetery, Anzac Road, Otaki.
OtaneCenotaph6am - Higginson Street, Otane (next to the Otane Library building)
OtautauWar Memorial7am - Main St
OtorohangaMemorial ParkService 6am 11am - Brunch at Otorohanga Club
Outram Community Centre to SoldiersService 11.15am
OwakaService 10am
Paeroa6am - Dawn service, meet at RSA 5.30am9am - Morning service, War Memorial Hall, Normanby Road. Parade departs RSA 9am.
PaihiaService 6.15am
Palmerston8.45am - Parade fall-in by Memorial Gates, march down Stour St onto Muir Sr to DG Murray Hall.9am - Anzac service. Following the service a wreath party proceeds to South African Memorial, Rondalsay St, to lay a wreath. Morning Tea follows at RSA Clubrooms.
Papakura Civic Parade and Service Cenotaph, corner Great South Rd and Opaheke Rd. Service commences 9am. Parade assembly 8.30am - Police Station, Wood St.
PapanuiWestgate St James Park9.10am
Paparua - TempletonService 10.15am
Papatoetoe Dawn Service Manukau Memorial Gardens, RSA Monument. Service commences 6am. Parade assembly 5.45am - Manukau Memorial Gardens.
Papatoetoe Civic Parade and Service Papatoetoe RSA, Wallace Rd. Service commences 10.30am. Parade assembly 10am - Papatoetoe Central School, cnr St George St.
ParakaiService 5.45am
Petone Railway StationService 7am
Picton6am - Wellington Street, Picton
Piha RSA Assembling at Piha RSA, departure 1.45pm, marching from Beach Valley to Marine Parade, finish at Lion Rock. Parade and Service 2pm.
Pleasant PointService 8am - Victor Wilson Hall
Pt Chevalier Parade and Service Pt Chevalier RSA, 1136 Great North Rd. Service commences 10.45am. Parade assembly time 10.15am - cnr of Alberta St. Parade starts 10.30am.
PongaroaService midday
PorangahauService 11am
Potahi MaraeService 11am
PrebbletonService 9am
PukekoheService 6am
Pukerau Memorial GatesService 10am
Pukerua Bay11am - Pukerua Bay community hall (which is in the school)Midday - Whenuatapu service.
PutaruruService 6am
Queenstown Memorial GatesService 9.15am
RaetihiService 7am
Rai Valley War MemorialService 11am
RakaiaService 9am
Rangiora CenotaphService 11am
Renwick War MemorialService 9am
RiverheadService 9am
RiversdaleService 10am
Riverton and DistrictsService 7am
Riverton War Memorial7am - Dawn service, Palmerston Street, Riverton7.30am - Breakfast at clubrooms10.15am - Citizens service, Palmerston Street
Riwaka War MemorialService 9am
RollestonService 11am
Rotorua5.40am - Rotorua Muruika Services Cemetery - Ohinemutu8.50am - Lake end of Fenton Street9.30am - Rotorua Convention Centre
Roxburgh / Millers Flat9am - Fire Station Millers Flat12.15pm - RSA club room, Roxburgh
Ruatoria RSAService 10am
RuawaiService 10.30am
Russell RSA6am - Dawn service, 1 Chapel Street, morning service Russell Cenotaph, York St7.30am - Breakfast at club1pm - Anzac Day Luncheon
Sanson Cenotaph9.15am - Followed by a civic service at Sanson Community Centre
Seatoun Anglican Church St George10am - Ferry Street, Seatoun
Seaward DownsService 11am
Sheffield, Darfield, Hororata and SpringfieldService 8am
Silverdale The parade and march past the Cenotaph is scheduled to commence at 11am at our Vipond Rd property. The church service is to be held inside if the weather is wet. If you wish to take part in the parade, or lay a wreath, please contact us on 09 424 9026.
Spring Creek HallService 9.30am
Springston, Tai Tapu War MemorialService 9am - return to hall for morning tea
St Heliers / GlendowieService 10.30am
Stokes Valley Memorial RSAService 10.45am
Sumner10.15am- Parade to assemble Burgess St, march to WWI monument on esplanade for wreath laying.11.30am - Service at Hollywood picture theatre.
Swanson RSA Parade assembles at Swanson Primary School at 8.45am and marches to Swanson RSA. Parade and service 9am.
Taihape War Memorial6am - Corner Hautapu and Huia Streets Taihape
Tairua Cemetery6am - Main Road, Tairua10.50am - Civil Parade and march for uniformed personnel/RSA - from Tairua Fire Station, Main Road, Tairua, followed by civil service at 11am Tairua Community Hall, Main Road, Tairua.
Taita and NaenaeService 8am10.30am - Citizens service11am - Wreath laying service
Takaka Junction Hotel8.45am - 15 Commercial Street, Takaka, Golden Bay
Takaka Memorial Library6.30am
TakapauService 10am
Takapuna9.30am - Sanders Avenue. The parade assembles at the Lake Rd end of Sanders Ave, to fall in at 9.10am. The parade moves off at 9.25am to the Strand Plaza, where a commemorative service begins at 9.30am.
Tapanui Community Centre9.30am
TaradaleService 6am
Tasman Memorial Service 10am
Taupo 6am - RSA6 am - Great Lake Centre
Tauranga6am - Cameron Rd, Greerton, Tauranga9am - Memorial Park
Te AnauService 11am
Te Aroha War MemorialService 10.30am
Te Atatu Peninsula Community Centre10am
Te Awamutu Sunken Cross Memorial Gardens 5.50am
Te Puke10.30am
Temuka 7.30am - Arowhenua Cemetery8am - Temuka Cemetery Service6am - Temuka Cenotaph, Domain Ave
Thames6am - Assemble Cnr Pollen and Sealey Streets, 5.45am march to Thames War Memorial Civic Centre10am - Thames Civic Service
Thornbury War MemorialService 9am
Tikokino 9am - Community Hall
Titahi Bay6.30am - Titahi Bay RSA, 74 Main Road.
Titirangi RSA Service commences at War Memorial Hall. Service 10.30am.
Tokaanu-TurangiService 6am
TokoroaService 6am
Tuapeka Mouth Memorial GatesService 10am
Tuatapere Orawia War MemorialService 7am
Upper MoutereService 10am
Waiau Pa / PatumahoeService 10.30am
Waihao Forks HotelService 3pm
Waiheke Island Dawn Service Waiheke War Memorial Hall, Ostend. Service commences 5.50am. In the event of wet weather, the service will be held inside the Waiheke War Memorial Hall.
Waiheke Island Parade and Civic Service Waiheke War Memorial Hall. Service commences 11am. Parade assembly time 10.50am - Ostend shops on Belgium St. Parade starts 10.55am - marches down Belgium St to Ostend Rd.
Waikaia Community CentreService 10am
Waikaka Centennial HallService 10am
WaimangaroaService 9am
Waimate WWI Memorial Gates, Queen St7am - Dawn service Victoria Park Memorial Gates corner of Queen St and Tennant St Waimate. Morning service: Returned Service men and women form adjacent to Waimate High School, Paul St. Official part lead into Perry Hall.8am - breakfast at the Royal Hotel, Shearman St.12pm - Tea and sandwiches at Town and Country club.
Waimauku Memorial Hall, Waimauku at 11am. A march back to the RSA will be at 11.30am for a wreath laying ceremony. If you wish to lay a wreath you are welcome to do so.
Wainuiomata Queen St CenotaphService 6am
Waiotemarama MemorialService 11am
Waipawa6am - Otane Cenotaph and Town Hall, Higginson Street.9am - Onga Onga, Tikokino and Omakere service.11am - Waipawa civic service at Primary School.
Waipu Presbyterian ChurchService 11am
WaipukurauService 6am
Wairoa, Kaiuku Marae & FrasertownService 5.40am
Waitakere RSA Waitakere RSA Clubrooms, Township Rd. Parade and Service 11am.
Waitati CenotaphService 10am
Wanganui 5.30am - Dawn parade Wanganui Cenotaph9am - St Mary's Catholic Church9.30am - Maxwell Memorial10am - Brunswick Service10am - Turakina School11am - Moutoa Gardens
Warea MemorialService 1pm
Warkworth Civic Service and Parade At 10.30am the parade officials will meet the officer in charge of parade at Anglican Church, Warkworth. At 10.35am parade fall in - Anglican Church. At 10.40am parade will march to War Memorial, Church Hill. At 10.45am service at War Memorial. In the event of wet weather, these events will be held in the Warkworth Fire Station. Dawn parade: A service will take place at 6am at the War Memorial, Church Hill, Warkworth. Any person or organisation wishing to lay a wreath is invited to do so.
Waverley 8.30am - Waverley Town Hall9am - Community Hall 9am10am - Waverley Primary School
Wellington Tomb of the Unknown Warrior,6am - Dawn to Dusk Vigil. A Vigil will be mounted at the Tomb of the Unknown Warrior at the National War Memorial by a Tri-Service Catafalque Guard on ANZAC Day. This will commence at 6am and conclude at 5pm. It will include changing the guard at 15 minute intervals.
Cathedral of Saint Paul9.30am - Wellington Citizens' Service in the Cathedral followed by wreath-laying at the Cenotaph. Mayor Celia Wade Brown will speak.
Wellington Cenotaph5.45am - Dawn Ceremony of Remembrance, Wellington Cenotaph, Lambton Quay
Wellsford Wellsford area residents are invited to attend the Anzac Day parade at 5.45am at the Wellsford Memorial Domain gates. If you wish to lay a wreath you are welcome to do so.
WestportService 11am
Whakatane Whakatane RSA, dawn service 5.45am.
Whangarei Whangarei WWI Cenotaph, Dawn Service 6am.
WhataroaService 7am
Whenua Tapu CemeteryMidday
Whirinaki MemorialService 6am
Wimbledon War MemorialService 9am
WintonService 7am