

  国家党试图以“他不是事无巨细都要管的领导”的说辞,替默雷•马卡利(Murray McCully)挡掉人们对他的外交部裁员计划的非议。这般辩解实在太可笑了,因为从一开始就是外交部长在全力推动、并始终在负责这个

  国家党试图以“他不是事无巨细都要管的领导”的说辞,替默雷•马卡利(Murray McCully)挡掉人们对他的外交部裁员计划的非议。这般辩解实在太可笑了,因为从一开始就是外交部长在全力推动、并始终在负责这个裁员计划的。









  Phil GOFF

  Foreign Affairs Spokesperson                      

    03 April 2012                                            MEDIA STATEMENT

  McCully should have the guts to take responsibility for MFAT cuts

  National’s attempt to shield Murray McCully from the fallout over his plan to cut the foreign service by claiming he ‘isn’t a micro-manager’ are laughable given he’s been driving the changes from the beginning and is constitutionally responsible for them, says Labour’s Foreign Affairs spokesperson Phil Goff.

  “It’s just gutless. Murray McCully has always had a reputation for micro-managing. Chris Finlayson couldn’t even keep a straight face when he was claiming otherwise in the House today.

  “Murray McCully is the architect of the plan for reform in his Ministry and he is ultimately responsible for it. If he doesn’t want the cuts to go ahead, he should just step in and stop them instead of trying to lay the blame on others.

  “The proposed changes are very serious. They will damage our international trade relationships. We’ve seen evidence of the potential impact in that area with revelations that Fonterra, the Dairy Companies Association and the Meat Industry Association have all expressed their deep concern to the Ministry. This is an unprecedented move and should be taken seriously.

  “We’ve already lost two of our top trade negotiators. If the proposed changes go ahead, we’ll lose more and some of our best people from across MFAT.

  “Dozens of our ambassadors and heads of mission have flown home for a crisis meeting and to express their opposition to the plan.

  “All the Minister can do is quibble about how much the Heads of Mission meeting has cost. On March 21, he told Parliament it was $200,000. Today, Chris Finlayson (speaking on his behalf) claimed it was $154,000.

  “Actually the total cost for this year - $9.2 million - doesn’t include the meeting and it doesn’t include likely high redundancy costs.

  “What matters and should worry Murray McCully most is that there is now a crisis of confidence in his leadership within his own Ministry and beyond,” said Phil Goff.


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新西兰警方称,昨晚(2月5日)在怀卡托Huntly地区,一辆警方巡逻车遭到一名男子驾车冲撞,造成一名警员受伤入院。 事件发生在昨晚8点左右。 警方发言人表示,这名警员中度受伤,并被送往 ...