

工党财经事务发言人大卫·帕克(David Parker)  新西兰很难承受国家党在提升我国国民储蓄水平上漫不经心的态度。  工党财经事务发言人大卫帕克指出:财政部长比尔英格里希或许会认为新西兰人被全球经济衰退“吓

工党财经事务发言人大卫·帕克(David Parker











  David PARKER    Finance Spokesperson                         

  14 March  2012                                                            MEDIA STATEMENT  English blinkered to real economic problem    National’s neglectful attitude to lifting our savings rate is something New Zealand can ill afford, Labour’s Finance spokesperson David Parker says.

  “Bill English might believe Kiwis have been ‘scared’ into saving by the global recession and won’t return to borrowing as the economy grows, but he’s obviously got blinkers on.

  “The economic settings that led to excessive borrowing are still in place – speculation in housing and farmland for capital gain still attracts a tax advantage and National’s policies have made Kiwisaver less attractive,” David Parker said.

  “Unless real policy changes are made New Zealand will just go back to borrowing too much and saving too little when the economy eventually recovers.

  “The Australians, who already have a universal workplace savings scheme, are increasing the savings rate to 12 per cent, up from nine per cen. The government there knows that once the recession is over behaviour will return to type unless it makes the changes that are needed.

  “Treasury forecasts show Mr English’s blind faith is misguided. It projects that every year, under National’s policies, the country will run a current account deficit and increase its international debt.

  “By 2016, New Zealand will owe nearly $200 billion in net overseas debt, up $50 billion from today.

  “And the main driver of that debt spiral is a lack of domestic savings, with banks and businesses borrowing from offshore or selling assets to foreign investors.

  “This leads to some $10 billion a year flowing offshore in profits, the main contributor to our current account deficit, which is then funded by further borrowing and asset sales.

  “The government needs to break the cycle with policies that ensure New Zealand permanently lifts its savings level. By not doing so it shows once again its unwillingness to deal with the structural problems in the economy,” David Parker said.   



新西兰澳洲反对党领袖彼得·达顿表示,他将在明年的联邦大选中承诺建造七座核电站,并承诺首批核电站将在2035年至2037年间投入运营。这些核电站的选址都是即将或已经退役的火力发电厂。 ...