新西兰Round the Bays吸引七万参与者 13岁女孩为发令员


  网报道,援引nzherald消息,新西兰最大的长跑活动,Round the Bays于18日举行。活动吸引了近七万人参加,其中包括轮椅运动员等。大家从Quay Street出发,跑过8.4千米,最后到达St Heliers Bay。  率先到达

  网报道,援引nzherald消息,新西兰最大的长跑活动,Round the Bays于18日举行。活动吸引了近七万人参加,其中包括轮椅运动员等。大家从Quay Street出发,跑过8.4千米,最后到达St Heliers Bay。

  率先到达终点的是来自奥克兰运动运俱乐部的Jono Jackson,共耗时28分4秒。第二名成绩与Jono不相上下,是Tony Payne,耗时28分16秒。

  13岁的Sahara Adams对该活动的举行感到非常兴奋。她作为Make-A-Wish的获得者,作为比赛正式发令员,引导七万民众在早上9点30分冲出起跑点,开始了比赛。

  Sahara目前正在接受白血病治疗。最近,因Make-A-Wish New Zealand的帮助,她还终于见到了自己的偶像Taylor Swift。

  Round the Bays活动由奥克兰慢跑俱乐部在1972年创立。在第一年,该活动吸引了1200名参与者。

Make-A-Wish recipient Sahara Adams waves to Round the Bays runners as they pass Vector Arena in downtown Auckland. MICHAEL BRADLEY/Fairfax NZ

Round the Bays participants line up in downtown Auckland for the 2012 race.  MICHAEL BRADLEY/Fairfax NZ

Round the Bays participants hit the pavement in downtown Auckland for the 2012 race. MICHAEL BRADLEY/Fairfax NZ

Round the Bays participants hit the pavement in downtown Auckland for the 2012 race. MICHAEL BRADLEY/Fairfax NZ

Round the Bays participants hit the pavement in downtown Auckland for the 2012 race. MICHAEL BRADLEY/Fairfax NZ

Round the Bays participants line up in downtown Auckland for the 2012 race. MICHAEL BRADLEY/Fairfax NZ

Round the Bays participants line up in downtown Auckland for the 2012 race. MICHAEL BRADLEY/Fairfax NZ

A Round the Bays runner hold his baby before he starts the race. MICHAEL BRADLEY/Fairfax NZ

A group of Round the Bays runners don their wings as they begin the course. MICHAEL BRADLEY/Fairfax NZ


NZ又有警车遭到冲撞 造成1名警员受伤

新西兰警方称,昨晚(2月5日)在怀卡托Huntly地区,一辆警方巡逻车遭到一名男子驾车冲撞,造成一名警员受伤入院。 事件发生在昨晚8点左右。 警方发言人表示,这名警员中度受伤,并被送往 ...