英文先驱报12月22日报道 今天凌晨,奥克兰南区一名警员在例行进行拦车检查时遭到枪击,腿部中枪,凶手已经逃逸。目前警方正在通缉至少一名涉案分子。 在Manukau警局召开的新闻发布会上,指挥官Mike Bush表示,
英文先驱报12月22日报道 今天凌晨,奥克兰南区一名警员在例行进行拦车检查时遭到枪击,腿部中枪,凶手已经逃逸。目前警方正在通缉至少一名涉案分子。
在Manukau警局召开的新闻发布会上,指挥官Mike Bush表示,今晨一名年轻的警员和另外一名警察正在Papatoetoe巡逻时,看到一辆车停在停车道上,打着“双闪灯”。
武警部队仍在现场,Buckingham Crescent和Allenby Road也仍在封锁状态中。
JOHN SELKIRK/Stuff.co.nzThe police car involved in the rescue of the shot officer remains at the point it met the ambulance on Great South Rd.
JOHN SELKIRK/Stuff.co.nzArmed police officers in Papatoetoe, South Auckland, where a 28-year-old new police recruit was shot.
JOHN SELKIRK/Stuff.co.nzPolice, including Detective Inspector John Timms (in a suit), confer at the scene of the Papatoetoe shooting.
JOHN SELKIRK/Stuff.co.nzDetective Inspector John Timms (in a suit) at the scene of the shooting.
JOHN SELKIRK/Stuff.co.nzScene at the police cordon in Papatoetoe this morning after a policeman was shot in the driveway shown at 12 Buckingham Terrace.