新西兰【16.8 更新】ZT: 各界对亚当的回应


Chinese real estate boss debunks agent's claims of Chinese buying up Auckland houses as 'total bulls***'



Here James Law, chief executive of James Law Realty responds to those comments:

Not only do I disagree, but I think what the Chinese real estate agent claims to total and complete bulls***.

I have been involved in Auckland's real estate scene for more than 20 years and full time for the last nine years.

Never, ever have I seen anyone, Chinese or not, carrying bagloads of cash to buy houses here.

Yes, some Chinese do come here to buy houses, but usually that's because they have got their residency approved or have children studying here and feel it makes more sense to buy than rent.

People born here, not all of them need to buy houses, because some have family properties to live in or some get houses passed down to them.

For immigrants there is no such option, so buying a house is a necessity and not a want.

Obviously this means you will see more migrants at auctions, and yes Asians and Chinese do stand out in the crowd. We have run auctions where there were no Chinese at all, like one in Waterview.

His comments about the two Japanese talking about Auckland being like China is a joke.

Why would two professionals in Tokyo be interested in Auckland being too Chinese?

Auckland is an international city, and one of the most multicultural in the world. You will expect to see people of different ethnicities buying properties.

It's not just the Chinese community, but I know many Kiwis are fuming too about what he said.

Why did he do it? I am guessing it is just about getting a profile - wanting to be famous by saying something controversial.

The reaction may not be what he is expecting, which is why he is hiding behind his anonymous status.


Chinese Auckland comments 'not helpful' - Greens


Green Party immigration spokeswoman Denise Roche said the comments about Auckland feeling too Chinese weren't helpful.

"The blanket statements that he made could drive up xenophobia. Auckland is a very diverse city, and I've met so many really cool people from all different ethnicities who are now New Zealanders and living here adding to the fabric of this city. And it's wonderful.

"What worries me is it's not fact-based. We have a very high proportion of international students in New Zealand. Some of what he is referring to is not permanent."

Roche said the Green Party did want a review of current immigration settings to ensure the right skill-sets were being targeted.



'The world is changing' - Chinese react

http://www.nzherald.co.nz/busine ... 3&objectid=11694051


Arthur Loo, lawyer executive board and member of the New Zealand China Council

"I doubt very much this was written by a Chinese - the first thing is that it is anonymous, which is a danger. There's always a danger to respond to something that's anonymous.

"It's cowardly, if you want to come out and make an attack on the Chinese,front up and do it, identify yourself- so how much credibility do you give that?

"It looks it's come out of their Black Ops department of NZ First - it presses all the "hot issue" buttons... housing, education. I think it's been written by a mischievous non- Chinese.


Meng Foon, Mayor of Gisborne and national president of the NZ Chinese Association....

David Soh, editor Mandarin Pages...




那个lawyer是nz china council的 member,可以代表一部分人的



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