标签:Chine - 澳大利亚华人论坛


【16.8 更新】ZT: 各界对亚当的回应

Chinese real estate boss debunks agent's claims of Chinese buying up Auckland houses as 'total bulls***' http://www.nzherald.co.nz/property/news/article.cfm?c_id=8objectid=11694258 .......... Here James Law, chief executive of James Law Rea...澳洲华人论坛


(免费)墨尔本Whitehorse/Monash Chinese Gran

墨尔本东区移民资讯中心(Migrant Information Centre)申请到City of Monash和City of Whitehorse的拔款,与Connections一起为居住在Monash和Whitehorse区域的家有0-5岁学龄前儿童的华人家庭组建了 白马市华人...澳洲华人论坛


求 VCE课外辅导书推荐

今年VCE学 Chinese second language advanced Unit 3+ 4,Biology Unit 3+ 4和 Maths Methods Unit 1+ 2 总觉得老师给的题目不够, 想额外的做一些练习。 请问各位有好的练习册或者有习题的书推荐吗? 谢谢!...澳洲华人论坛


What's "swift code" in Chinese?

What is swift code in Chinese? 评论 swift code too. My chinese bank teller understand that words. 评论 就叫SWIFT CODE吧,没人翻译过来说的 评论 THANK YOU ANYWAY. GUYS 评论 银行国际代码 评论 电汇码?not very sur...澳洲华人论坛