标签:crying - 澳大利亚华人论坛


I was crying last night just thinking of

I was crying last night just thinking of how many stuff that i had went through in melbourne cause I were'nt able to achieve that expectation as my family thought i would. But it was good to cry it out while they're away on holiday. Having a...澳洲华人论坛


Controlled crying貌似也没那么恐怖

先说明情况 我家娃19个月了 三个月的时候去过睡眠学校 回来一狠心就分房睡 大概4个月开始睡整觉了 但是不算绝对的天使娃 因为反反复复夜里哭闹还是蛮多 直到上个月 按说牙也出的差...澳洲华人论坛


calm a crying baby instantly没错,立即让婴儿止

https://youtu.be/d-nBoQ8EASs Here are the key points to The Hold: 1. Fold the baby's arms across the chest 2. Hold Baby's arms gently and hold their chin with the other hand 3. Grasp diaper area 4. Gently rock at a 45-degree angle 5. Gently...澳洲华人论坛


总是emotional crying 我该怎么训?

我想训练宝宝睡觉,可是把他放在床上,哭三分钟就肯定鼻子一把泪一把,protesting crying很少,一哭就是扯着嗓子歇斯底里哭得太凶,安慰半天还要抽泣。我该怎么办?就是狠心让他哭吗...澳洲华人论坛


crying, 上个月woolworths打半价时买的sunric

上个月woolworths打半价时买的sunrice送错货了, 上回屯的货,今天才打开吃,味道不太一样,才发现送错了, 打电话去,他们说太久了,不能对换。 评论 大家谁知道,exchange policy 应该是...澳洲华人论坛