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QBD Books 老板 Nicholas Croydon 说,自从疫情大流行后,澳大利亚人可能已经改变了他们最喜欢的类型,但生活成本的紧缩并不是购物者在故事上花钱的障碍。 “[在 COVID 期间] , 商业书籍很...澳洲华人论坛
QBD Books 老板 Nicholas Croydon 说,自从疫情大流行后,澳大利亚人可能已经改变了他们最喜欢的类型,但生活成本的紧缩并不是购物者在故事上花钱的障碍。 “[在 COVID 期间] , 商业书籍很...澳洲华人论坛
我正在寻找一些我可以给朋友阅读的思维定式书籍你们有什么推荐的书(仍然谈论投资,但关注的不仅仅是节省 $x 和牺牲一切而不顾其他人的感受)我可以轻弹超过那可以帮助他谢谢!...澳洲华人论坛
想知道人们是否会推荐阅读 Brad Sugar 的书它们是否值得一读一般投资、房地产和商业干杯! 评论 我不明白为什么不虽然我会说他擅长商业而不是投资财产作为行动教练的创始人,他有一...澳洲华人论坛
您好,任何人都可以对以下装修标题“装修”提供个人评论吗? Michael W Litchfield 的完整指南 罗伯特·欧文的《寻找、购买、修复》 艾伦·斯坦斯的《澳大利亚翻新者手册》或建议更好的...澳洲华人论坛
看来 Jan Somers 的书是这个论坛上最受推荐的书 我有一个朋友,她有她的书,愿意一次借给我一本 谁能建议 JS 的哪本书是开始干杯的最佳场所 评论 我建议“建立财富,一个故事一个故事...澳洲华人论坛
大家好, 只是一个简短的提示,我昨天订购了 Trust Magic 和 Tax Battles 的副本。成本是每个 99 美元,但是如果您同时订购这两个,您将获得 168 美元的邮费和手续费 希望它们现在在邮件中...澳洲华人论坛
你好,因为我才7个月的这个IP游戏,我确实在90年代读过Jan的书,一有机会我就告诉其他新手读她的书但是对于新手来说很难掌握现实这些数字,因为他们仍然引用在昆士兰州以 16 万美...澳洲华人论坛
8 nursing text books Medical Surgical Nursing 5th edition Medical Surgical Nursing study guide 5th edition Mosby's medicsk nursing snd allied health dictionary 4th edition Fudamentals of Nursing 3rd edition Fundamental of pharmacology The d...澳洲华人论坛
AMEB Violin 2nd grade$17 3rd grade $10 4th grade $21 5th grade$24 AMEB Violin Technical work book$25 Suzuki violin school Volume 1 $15 AMEB Piano Technical work book$15 AMEB Piano Sight reading$11 AMEB AURUAL TESTS $12 Pickup only in Burwood...澳洲华人论坛
AMEB Violin 2nd grade$17 3rd grade $10 4th grade $21 5th grade$24 AMEB Violin Technical work book$25 Suzuki violin school Volume 1 $15 AMEB Piano Technical work book$15 AMEB Piano Sight reading$11 AMEB AURUAL TESTS $12 Pickup only in Burwood...澳洲华人论坛
I like reading books, especially novels. Now I live in an English country, but my English is not good enough, even though I have studied English for a very long time. Two years ago, I began to read and listen to English novels, and I hope m...澳洲华人论坛
2021-2-6 15:46 上传 下载附件 (343.04 KB) all for $300, pick up in clayton (melbourne) 评论 要这么多本书?...澳洲华人论坛
一共50本英文彩页小书,其中48本是little books系列。原价一本$1.99. 内容由浅入深,每页由完整的英文句子和彩色插画组成,适合2岁以上幼儿阅读。hurstville取货, 一共$15 又找到2本tooth...澳洲华人论坛
今天在家附近看到的广告: 2011年7月30号 BOOK FAIR ,nothing over $5 . 9am--4pm,Grey Lynn Community Hall , 510 Richmond Road , Grey Lynn . ( $5 for early entry 9am-10am ). $10 一袋的估计是很难再遇上了,这个特买不...澳洲华人论坛
现有Biosci 101 和Chem 110 的 course book,是2014年新版的,只写过几页。 还有lab coat 和 safety glass 全新 有意者可以联系:Shannon 电话: 021-183 9957 评论 ddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd 评论 ddddd...澳洲华人论坛
For Sale:Nursing books Uniform (withvaluable MCQ essay material) Uniform: size 10$30 Books : 1. AustraliaNew Zealand Nursing and Midwifery Drug Handbook (5th ed) Author: Mckenna Lisa Irkov SanjaPrice:$60 (UBS Price: $96.29 (6th ed) 2. Healt...澳洲华人论坛
现在帮朋友出售一些梅西商科100Level的书 如果感兴趣的朋友们可以看看 115.105旧版本 内容大相径庭 60刀 115.106新版教材 100刀 因为朋友保存的很好 近似新书 115.107比今年的书要老一版本...澳洲华人论坛
1)Financial institutions, markets, moneywas$170.99 now sale:$95 ( new condition) 2) principles of managerial finance was $159.99 now sale: $80 (as new condition) 3)commercial banking was:$146.20 now sale:$85( new condition) 4)bank manageme...澳洲华人论坛
152261 International Business 70刀 (sold) 152329 Leadership and Governance 40刀 178201 Intermediate Microeconomics 70刀 158100 Computer Applications and the Information Age 50刀 联系电话02108118359...澳洲华人论坛
Advanced Auditing/367904 $80 Leung, P., Coram, P., Cooper, B.J., and Richardson, P. (2011). Modern Auditing Assurance Services 5th Edition. Wiley Sons Australia Ltd, Queensland. Current Issues in Financial Accounting/367901$90 Deegan, C. Sam...澳洲华人论坛
Advanced Auditing/367904 $80 Sold Leung, P., Coram, P., Cooper, B.J., and Richardson, P. (2011). Modern Auditing Assurance Services 5th Edition. Wiley Sons Australia Ltd, Queensland. Current Issues in Financial Accounting/367901/ 366601, Fin...澳洲华人论坛
Service Marketing X 1 (99NZD) 这本书涵盖所有老师上课需要讲的case study, 而且书中的知识点非常有助于大家做assessment, 比如presentation, research report, etc. 最最重要的是, 这本书对最后的Final Ex...澳洲华人论坛
Service Marketing X 1 (99NZD) 这本书涵盖所有老师上课需要讲的case study, 而且书中的知识点非常有助于大家做assessment, 比如presentation, research report, etc. 最最重要的是, 这本书对最后的Final Ex...澳洲华人论坛
115.103 Legal and Social Environment of Business two books for $70 可面交 albany 微信联系: kebon34 手机: +64 210 234 2486 评论 顶顶顶顶顶顶顶顶顶顶顶顶顶顶 评论 dddddddddddddddd...澳洲华人论坛
Course Book Inforsys 110 (2011,s1) 10刀 Acctg 101(2011,s2) 15刀 Comlaw 101 (2011,s2) 13刀 Text Book Acctg 101 (accounting an introduction, first edition, Peter Atrill, Eddie Mclaney.ect.) very new book. 85刀 Tel:0210758860 评论 请发...澳洲华人论坛
Course Book Inforsys 110 (2011,s1) 10刀 Acctg 101(2011,s2) 15刀 Comlaw 101 (2011,s2) 13刀 Text Book Acctg 101 (accounting an introduction, first edition, Peter Atrill, Eddie Mclaney.ect.) very new book. 85刀 Comlaw101,almost new book...澳洲华人论坛
本帖最后由 gavinhd 于 2010-3-8 20:59 编辑 1. Advertising Promotion and Other Aspects of Integrated Marketing Communications $70 2. 7TH edition Terence A. Shimp $80 3. Financial Management 11th edition Eugene F. Brigham/ Michael C. E...澳洲华人论坛
HospitalityManagement Books For Sale 1. StrategicManagement Thompson, A., Strickland III, A., Gamble, J.(2010). Crafting and executingstrategy text and readings (17th ed.). Boston: McGraw-Hill Irwin. $100(Very Good Condition!) 2. Berger, F....澳洲华人论坛
There are some text books are available for semester one 2012. 110.209110.309 New text book plus notes and past exams. only sale for $100 (This paper is Advanced Financial Accounting they use the same text book when you study these two paper...澳洲华人论坛
求购2013 S1 accounting books, pass exams and study materials and notes: 1. 452000, Business Information Systems 2. 366601, Financial Accounting for Companies 3. 366602, Management Accounting 4. 366611, Accounting Systems Mobile: 021035044...澳洲华人论坛
卖书卖书 ! 115104 -----Marketing $60 Textbook: Real people real choices (orange cover) + all the materias I have 115104-----Marketing $100 Textbook: Real peoplereal choices (green cover) + all the materias I have 115106 -----Economoic...澳洲华人论坛
economic principle1 ,Management and Organization 各两本~~85刀 each PS ECO书附赠笔记 笔记写的非常详细 绝对对亲们的考试有帮助哦~~ eco和mo 都只剩下各一本啦!需要的亲抓紧!!! BIC 的所需的两...澳洲华人论坛
2020-8-17 10:51 上传 下载附件 (241.35 KB) year 3 Writing text books 全新 $7/1本 6本全拿 $40 city自取 另有 兒童DK大字版 字典 $10 適合PRESCHOOL 以上孩子...澳洲华人论坛
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各位麻麻, ALDI 今天有很多学龄前儿童的work books, 给儿子挑了几本4-6岁的,才¥2.99.Y1-Y6也有的,但好像贵点,没来得及看。还有世界地图、澳洲地图等大张的张贴画只要¥1.99.有需要的...澳洲华人论坛
《科学》(英语:Science)是美国科学促进会(英语:American Association for the Advancement of Science,AAAS)出版的一份学术期刊,为全世界最权威的学术期刊之一。《科学》是发表最好的原始...澳洲华人论坛
https://www.betterreading.com.au ... 2310295104980468750 今天的书单跟去年的有点不同 2018-8-14 21:40 上传 下载附件 (448.69 KB) 评论 thanks 评论 mark. very useful. thank you 评论 哈利波特为什么排 第一?? 评...澳洲华人论坛
动物园,luna park我们都有年票,还有什么别的offer呢?有人买过,哪儿可以看到有些什么呢? 评论 www.entertainmentbook.com.au 评论 http://www.entertainmentbook.com ... sydney-greater-west 评论 http://www....澳洲华人论坛
11 Books Every Young Leader Must Read by John Coleman 1. The Emperor's Handbook(Marcus Aurelius) 2. Man's Search for Meaning. (Viktor Frankl) 3. A Man in Full. (Tom Wolfe) 4. Liar's Poker. (Michael Lewis) 5. Good to Great: (Jim Collins) 6....澳洲华人论坛
这两天的 Roald Dahl @ Costco 很火,我来贡献最佳版本的audiobooks下载,都是bt的哦: http://thepiratebay.se/torrent/6728425/The_Roald_Dahl_Audiobook_Collection Roald Dahl - Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Roald Dahl -...澳洲华人论坛
Did 104 last semester, I would like to exchange the book for Financial reporting or Ethics and Governance. David 0421700176Sydney 评论 hi i have global strategy 117..can we swap? 评论 no sorry, i am not going to take 117 this year. 评论...澳洲华人论坛
不是最近的版本,但基本内容没太大变化。如果有要提前看书的同学可以拿去看看。在Ringwood或port Melbourne 取书。电话 0433 708 990 [ 本帖最后由 catherine_co 于 2012-6-30 16:18 编辑...澳洲华人论坛