标签:joke - 澳大利亚华人论坛


请教:关于kids joke

也不知是不是应该发在这一版 有时会听到小朋友讲一些英文笑话,或是脑筋急转弯一类的,可我不知笑点在哪,哪位高人帮忙解答一下吧,分分感谢 What do you get when you cross a dog with an...澳洲华人论坛


Is it a joke?

见图。 在澳洲工作一辈子,晚年拿的退休金远远不如给难民的?怎么爱上这个国家? 评论 ding ding ding 评论 谣言。 非法移民哪能有福利呢? 评论 难民是有可能的。 评论 给难民的进入...澳洲华人论坛


Women's favorite joke

前几次发英语笑话到大千世界,没什么人看,今天发到英语版块算了。 A man was sick and tired of going to work every day while his wife stayed home. He wanted her to see what he went through so he prayed: 'Dear Lord:...澳洲华人论坛



(if racist joke offend you, stop reading now!) How do chinks come up with names for their kids? By throwing silverware down the stairs and it goes ping, ching, pong, That’s what they name their kids. How do you blindfold a chink? Dental fl...澳洲华人论坛


a joke of Julie Gillard

Ms Gillard's first TV interview TV: Congratulations Prime Minister. Before we start, as we stand here on Thursday afternoon, do you accept that tomorrow will be Friday? PM: We have always supported the standard structure of the calendar and...澳洲华人论坛