标签:Scully - 澳大利亚华人论坛


Jess Scully 的离开只会让 Clover Moore 的第六

City of Sydney Labor councillor Linda Scott has a clear recollection of her first meeting with Lord Mayor Clover Moore in 2012, when Scott was elected and Moore was still the member for Sydney. “We met in她的新南威尔士州议会办公...澳洲华人论坛


悉尼市议员 Jess Scully 因育儿假辞职

悉尼市议员被广泛倾向于接替市长摩尔市长摩尔勋爵(Lord Clover Moore)从理事会辞职,理由是在新南威尔士州地方政府的政客缺乏育儿假。 杰西·斯库利作为 2016 年摩尔独立团队的一员...澳洲华人论坛