奥克兰交通技术博物馆(MOTAT)呼吁新西兰人“领养”一辆有轨电车,以保留新西兰的交通历史。 Alan Curtis。(Source: Supplied / MOTAT) 本月MOTAT将迎来成立60周年纪念日,它必须筹集100万纽...澳洲华人论坛
奥克兰交通技术博物馆(MOTAT)呼吁新西兰人“领养”一辆有轨电车,以保留新西兰的交通历史。 Alan Curtis。(Source: Supplied / MOTAT) 本月MOTAT将迎来成立60周年纪念日,它必须筹集100万纽...澳洲华人论坛
2012年5月1-31日,奥克兰西区或东区的居民,可持地址证明的银行水电费信件,免费入场。 其它区域如中区、北岸、南区等等下次啦。。。经常有活动的。 FREE ENTRY MONTH FOR AUCKLAND EAST AN...澳洲华人论坛
大家知道吗?住东西区的朋友5月去MOTAT免门票! 带宝宝们去吧! 详情如下: FREE ENTRY MONTH FOR AUCKLAND EAST AND WEST RESIDENTS! MOTAT wishes to thank you for your support by offering Auckland East and West resid...澳洲华人论坛
Motat is offering free entry to MOTAT for the whole month of June! http://www.motat.org.nz/whats-on/on-this-month/#free-entry To celebrate June's Volunteer Awareness Week, we want everyone to come and see the work that our 300+ volunteers d...澳洲华人论坛
Motat is offering free entry to MOTAT for the whole month of June! http://www.motat.org.nz/whats-on/on-this-month/#free-entry To celebrate June's Volunteer Awareness Week, we want everyone to come and see the work that our 300+ volunteers d...澳洲华人论坛
http://www.motat.org.nz/whats-on/on-this-month/#free MOTAT 3月1-28日对西区和北岸居民免费开放,请带有地址的信件。 SIGNATURE ★视如己出★ Barnardos 家庭幼儿园Mt Albert Home-Based Childcare 托费政府补贴...澳洲华人论坛
http://www.motat.org.nz/whats-on/on-this-month/#free MOTAT 3月1-28日对西区和北岸居民免费开放,请带有地址的信件。 具体划区范围如下: List of eligible wards suburbs: Auckland North Albany Ward: Albany, Albany...澳洲华人论坛
17岁以下无需门票,只需捐献“金币”1-2刀 Children's Day Sunday 2 March Celebrate Children’s Day at MOTAT! Gold coin entry for all children under 17 on Sunday 2 March . Bring the whole family along for a FUN-tastic day out...澳洲华人论坛
Celebrate Christmas magic from 12-14 19-24 December with the annual ‘MOTAT Nights, Christmas Lights’ event. Sparkling lights, live entertainment, tram rides, Christmas displays and Christmas treats, provide the scene for a truly magical...澳洲华人论坛
下周末和圣诞节前一周,每人2刀 MOTAT Nights, Christmas Lights 12-14 19-24 December Celebratethe magic of Christmas with MOTAT throughout December. Sparklinglights, live entertainment, tram rides, Christmas displays and Christma...澳洲华人论坛
Children's Day Celebrate Children’s Day at MOTAT with free entry for all children under 17 on Sunday 1 March 2015. Bring the whole family along for a FUN-tastic day out and enjoy celebrating the day that is all about children! With loads...澳洲华人论坛
THE SEASON OF JOY! 评论 大家都出动...澳洲华人论坛
北岸的JM们注意啦,从12/10/2009-11/11/2009,MOTAT对北岸的居民免费开放,你可以从NORTH SHORE TIME上剪VOUVHER或者带PROOF OF YOU ADDRESS 或者YOUR RATES BILL,最多可以去两个大人和4个16岁一下的小朋友...澳洲华人论坛
以下是这个月(8月份)可以Free Entry的区。 Eligible Suburbs: Arch Hill, Avondale, Balmoral, Blockhouse Bay, Eden Terrace, Epsom, Freemans Bay, Greenlane, Grey Lynn, Herne Bay, Hillsborough (Auckland), Kingsland, Lynfield, Moun...澳洲华人论坛