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参加书评活动---The BFG

感谢活动,再次,熊孩儿终于能适应了。括号里是她原本的开头。WWW - Book title :The BFG - A photo of the book cover - Author:Roald Dahl - A brief summary of the story or the content: A little girl Sophi saw a giant...澳洲华人论坛


参加书评活动---The Lost Hero

- Book title :The Lost Hero - A photo of the book cover 2018-6-12 20:49 上传 下载附件 (11.76 KB) - Author:Rick Riordan - What's your favorite part of the book? Leo's metal dragon Festust( means happy) was hit by the snow goddness , Kh...澳洲华人论坛


小花生自己会读的第一本书---The Big Itch

小花生从小就爱听故事,小时候皮,哭闹的时候,一说,讲故事了,他立即安静下来,乖乖的坐在身旁,歪着脑袋听你讲故事。 小花生渐渐长大,故事听多了,就不满足于光听。他慢慢...澳洲华人论坛