新州兽医顾问希吉斯(Peter Higgins )称,这个突破性的研究结果证实了人们对狗的看法是正确的。“过去20年,很多父母常说自己的孩子很健康,因为他总是与狗玩在一起,”他说,“如此看来,大多数家长是正确的。”
小莫丽(India Murray)昨日正与她的小狗Harley共度好时光。她的妈妈表示对研究结果并不感到意外。“不必把孩子裹得严严实实的,一点点的脏东西并不影响他们,”她说。

Babies healthier in homes with a dog or cat
Immune system possibly boosted with pet exposure
CBC News
Posted: Jul 9, 2012 3:53 PM ET
Last Updated: Jul 9, 2012 4:27 PM ET
Children who grow up with dogs or cats in the home tend to be healthier, according to a new study. Children who grow up with dogs or cats in the home tend to be healthier, according to a new study. (Ken Gigliotti/Winnipeg Free Press/Canadian Press)
Play iconChildren who have contact with pet dogs or cats during the first year of life appear to be healthier, suggests a new Finnish studyPets and healthy babies1:51
Children who have contact with pet dogs or cats during the first year of life appear to be healthier, suggests a new Finnish study.
Respiratory symptoms and infections are common during the first year of life, with children typically experiencing between three and six such episodes, according to researchers at the Kuopio University Hospital.
Their study was published Monday in Pediatrics, the journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics.
The study followed 397 children born in Finland between September 2002 and May 2005 from birth to their first birthday.
In the first year of life, babies who grew up in an environment with a dog or a cat were sick less often with a cold and other respiratory infections, the study found.
The presence of a dog was found to offer a greater protective effect than that of a cat, though it’s not clear why.
Children with dogs in the home had fewer ear infections and tended to need fewer courses of antibiotics during the study period than their counterparts without the furry pets.
It’s not clear why the children were healthier, but the researchers suggest a link with hygiene theory, said Dr. Karl Kabasele, CBC News medical correspondent.
“They found that those families that had dogs that spent some time outside and some time inside had the healthiest kids, and that might be because those dogs were bringing in more dirt and germs into the home,” he said.
“As the theory goes, the more a child is exposed to germs, the more their immune system matures and therefore the healthier they are as they grow up.”
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