烦啊,经过3次喂ZUCCHINI 泥,发现孩子口周有很多红疹,还不停的在我肩膀蹭,大哭。和前几天晚上一样的。难道真的是对ZUCCHINI过敏??各位妈妈有没有这样的?刚查了CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL, 有种说法叫ORAL ALLERGY. 我真的很害怕再试黄瓜和南瓜啦。
What is fruit and vegetable allergy?
Fruit and vegetable allergy is a reaction which occurs soon after exposure to fruit and vegetables. These reactions usually occur within minutes of the exposure, but occasionally can take up to 1-2 hours. The reactions occur against proteins that occur in a number of different fruits or vegetables. The Rosaceae (apple, pear, cherry, peach, and plum) and Cucurbitaceae (cucumber, melon, watermelon, zucchini, pumpkin) families and kiwi fruit are particularly likely to cause allergies. In some cases the proteins are also found in pollens leading to symptoms of pollen and food allergy (The Pollen-Food Allergy syndrome).
What is the oral allergy syndrome?
This is a syndrome where symptoms of itch, tingling, swelling of lips, palate, and tongue occur after exposure to the food. There are rarely more generalised symptoms. The symptoms usually occur within minutes after contact with the fruit or vegetable. Symptoms are more likely to occur with fresh than cooked food. The diagnosis can be confirmed with a skin prick test with the fresh food. This type of allergic reaction can occur at any time of the year but is often worse in the pollen season. These patients are often allergic to a large number of foods. The syndrome usually occurs in older children and adults and is generally life long.
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