

刚才整理电脑,看到一篇以前做的读书笔记,希望对打算母乳喂养的妈妈或是刚开始母乳喂养的妈妈有所帮助。书名是HOW BREASTFEEDING REALLY WORKS, 以下是我整理的摘要,可是我一个字一个字码到电脑里的哦。


Breastfeeding for the first time

1. After a normal birth
   Best to wait until after your placenta is out, your stitches are done, and you can move more freely. In the meantime, you can keep your baby in your arms and concentrate on enjoying her.
   There should be no reason for your baby and you to be separated. Just having your baby near your breast has the added benefit of causing a release of hormones that contract your uterus more efficiently.

2. After an epidural or spinal anesthetic
   After a spinal, you may need to lie flat for a few hours to prevent a severe headache. You should be able to feed you whenever your and he are ready.

3. If you have a cesarean section
    You can still cuddle and feed your baby soon after delivery. Though you will need help. You will have to lie in bed for the first hours, but will probably be encouraged to get up and moved around soon, to promote healing.

4. After a general anesthetic
    Ask for your baby to be given to you as soon as you waken. A helper can put you baby to you breast, at least for a cuddle, even if you are not full awake. You can learn how to feed her once you have recovered from the anesthetic. In the meantime you and she will have had time together, and she may have even had a chance to feed.

5. If your baby is taken to intensive or special care nursery
    Then you can still stimulate your breast to produce milk soon after delivery. Go see your baby and, if you can, touch or hold her as soon as possible; this will help you and also you’re your milk supply. Then ask for help in expressing you milk.
    Express in the first few hours after birth, and then every three hours or so, regularly, until you can feed your baby. Ask to hold her, or at least touch and stroke her, before you express, as this will help.

[ 本帖最后由 思思妈妈 于 2007-8-30 09:27 编辑 ]

Position Matters

Your posture

In summary:
1. Make yourself comfortable
2. Make sure you are not leaning back
3. Use props for support.
4. Remember to have a glass of water
5. While getting yourself ready.

Two important things to avoid:
1. Do not be tempted to sit leaning back in bed, or in a chair that is designed for lounging, without proper support behind you back.
2. Do not be tempted to start feeding until you are comfortable and ready.

How You Hold Your Baby

In summary:
1. Is held close to you
2. Is well supported
3. Is turned towards you
4. Has her mouth just below your nipple as you prepare to feed
5. Has her head, neck, and back all in a straight line
6. Make sure her arms and hands do not get in the way as she gets on to feed

The important things to avoid are as follows:
1. Do not lie you baby on her back. She would have to turn her head to find your breast.
2. Do not hold her so that her mouth is above or well below your nipple.
3. Do not let her chin push down toward her chest.
4. Do not bring your breast to the baby, bring you baby to the breast.

How Your Baby Take Your Breast

1. Support your baby well
a. Cradle him on the inside of your forearm, on the same side on which he is feeding. You will support his should and neck on your arm just below you elbow.
b. Support him with the arm on the opposite side from the breast he is feeding from. Cradle his shoulders, his necks, and the base of his head lightly on your hand. This is for support only. Do not put pressure on his head. His back should rest on the inside of your forarm.

2. Hold his head gently.

3. Brush you baby’s lips lightly against your nipple.

4. Wait until his mouth is wide open before letting him take your breast in his mouth.
When his mouth is opening wide, quickly but gently move him onto your breast so he can take a good, deep mouthful. (This may take practice to get the timing right. If you wait too long, he will have begun to close his mouth by the time you bring him onto the breast. )

5. Make sure he takes a large mouthful of your breast, not just your nipple.
To do this, he need use his whole bottom jaw and tongue. Think about where the baby’s bottom lip, rather than his top lip, make contact with your breast. Your nipple will then end up right at the back of his mouth, where it cannot be damaged by suction and friction.
The mouthful of breast that your baby takes in should be all the way around and behind your nipple, and include some of the dark area around your nipple .
If you can still see some areola, more of it should show beyond your baby’s top lip than beyond his bottom lip.

6. Relax and let the feed happen.
If for any reason you feel your baby id not well positioned, especially if it is painful for you, stop the feed. Take him off the breast gently by breaking the suction.

[ 本帖最后由 思思妈妈 于 2007-8-30 09:26 编辑 ]

What to Do if Breastfeeding Hurts

Breastfeeding should not hurt, other than perhaps a brief pain during the first few sucks of each feed, in the first few days (or for the first day or two after you have begun working on a problem). If it hurts, then usually the positioning is not right. Stop feeding, take your baby off your breast. Take a few calming breaths and try again.

Each feed your baby should:
1. Gape his mouth widely.
2. Take a large mouthful of breast.
3. Suck mostly strongly and rhythmically, with pauses between each episode of sucking.
4. Having no problem breathing.
5. Easily bring up any air bubbles (burp/wind) if you sit him up. Remember to support his head.
6. Come off the breast himself when he has finished.

The important things to avoid are as follows:
1. Do not try to put your breast into your baby’s mouth. Simply help him take it by moving him to your breast.
2. Do not let him feed if it hurts you; take him off and try again.
3. Do not let him continue to feed if he seems distressed. Calm yourself, calm him, and try again.

[ 本帖最后由 思思妈妈 于 2007-8-30 10:01 编辑 ]


If your nipples are
Ø  Sore during and just after feeding
Ø  Squashed and flattened just after feeding
Ø  Bleeding during and after feeding
Ø  Red and painful between feeds as well as during feeding

You should
Get the positioning right.

If your breasts are
Ø  Swollen
Ø  Painful all over a lot of the time

You should
Breastfeeding well and often;
Express a small amount of milk in between feed;

If your breasts are
Ø  Painful only in some areas
Ø  Flushed

You should
Feed your baby often;
Be careful with positioning, do not use finger press on your breast while feeding
Try expressing milk;
Take care of yourself, make sure that the bra is not too tight.

If your breasts are
Ø  Lumpy

You should
Positioning needs to be improved;
Try different positioning;

If your baby
Ø  Is restless during feeding

Not having enough milk;(Encourage your baby to feed as often, and for as long, as possible)

If your baby
Ø  Pull away from your breast during feeding and looks upset or cries strongly

Too much milk;(Let your baby feed for as long as she wants to on each breast)

If your baby
Ø  Has difficulty staying attached to your breast, even with lots of help with positioning

Your baby’s tongue is short;
Your baby’s has a tongue tie;

If your baby
Ø  Never finishes feeding spontaneously
Ø  Usually has long feeds (routinely longer than an hour)
Ø  Feeds very frequently (every one and a half hours or less from the beginning of one feed to the beginning of the next) both day and night
Ø  Frequently cries immediately after feeds
Ø  Having wet, sometimes frothy, yellow or green explosive stools

Foremilk/Hindmilk Imbalance, too muck foremilk at the beginning of the feed, and not enough hindmilk, She may also get too much suger, which can cause distress and a loose yellow or green stool.

[ 本帖最后由 思思妈妈 于 2007-8-30 10:21 编辑 ]


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