才开始接触澳洲银行,有的介绍读来读去也不是很确认。想请教一下对于存进Progressive Saver里面的钱如果提取过当月还有利息吗?online banking方式来转到其他账户或者paybill也算是和ATM一样的提取吗?谢谢!:)
I am using ANZ Progressive Saver account as well.
Question 1: No. You won't have any interest for the month, buy you will have interest next month based on the balance of last month.
Question2: Online banking does not count as redraw.
[ 本帖最后由 dreamknight2 于 2008-9-3 15:12 编辑 ]
Thank you for the answer, dreamknight2.
Anyhow, I think I will go to use online saving account, which should give me better interest and convenience. :)
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