An update on the Virgin Credit Card.
Virgin Money has been working with Westpac Banking Corporation for the past five years since we launched the hugely successful Virgin Credit Card in Australia.
Following the end of the five year agreement between Westpac and Virgin Money, we have now all agreed that Westpac will retain the credit card portfolio and will continue to provide ongoing excellence in customer service to Virgin Credit Card customers.
Virgin Money shook up the Australian financial services market in 2003 when it launched its first financial service product the low rate, no annual fee credit card with Westpac. Virgin Money chose Westpac as its credit card issuer in 2003 as it was a leading supplier of credit cards and had the ability to provide the high standard of customer service required for the Virgin Credit Card.
If you have a Virgin Credit Card in your wallet.
You'll still be able to use your Virgin Credit Card as normal. Westpac will continue to manage the customer base and ensures there are no interruptions to the credit card service.
If you wanted to apply for a new Virgin Credit Card, unfortunately we won't be taking any new applications from April 3, 2008.
For more information check out the FAQs.
We're still here though, please come visit!
At Virgin Money, we've been busy over the past few years building our portfolio of financial services products - including Virgin Money Super and Virgin Money Home Loans. On top of that, we're just about to launch new products in the financial services category and... we'll continue to look into opportunities in financial services.
[ 本帖最后由 VIP 于 2008-4-5 13:13 编辑 ]
澳洲免年费的信用卡越来越少了. 我用COLES MASTERCARD.
还不错. 每月交钱就在K-MART或TARGET店里,很方便.
NAB mini card 每年最多返120Cash,年费才24,应该比没年费的要好吧...
之前有个大家集体声讨退出 nab mini的帖子,你可以看看。
刚刚申请了HSBC的low rate card,0% balance transfer until Jan 2009,这样我就把VIRGIN关了。Westpac接下来肯定会想办法把Virgin的顾客转到他们自己的卡上去的,还是早跑吧。
寄的,就寄到我注册的地址,每月一次. 我上次就在K-MART里面的柜台付钱的. (在K-MART和TARGET付钱或者在COLES里面哪个自助付款机付钱,免HANDLE费).要是在邮局付钱的话,要收$1.50的HANDLE FEE.
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