今天是科学界的妇女与女童国际日(International Day of Women and Girls in Science)。 我将在晚上7点到8点30分在Mangemangeroa Reserve为女孩和妈妈组织免费活动(欢迎捐赠),以便从我们美丽的新西兰丛林学习科学知识。 这些主题可能涉及生物分类,生态系统,人类对环境的影响以及可持续发展目标。 最后,我们将坐在草地上,观察日落前的环境变化。 欢迎您加入!请提前报名(微信公众号:Encounter_Nature,或教务中心:LeCentre)谢谢!
It‘s the international day of women and girls in science today. I will organise a free event (donation is welcome) at Mangemangeroa Reserve for girls and mums at 7:00PM to 8:30PM for learning science knowledge from our beautiful NZ bush. The topics may cover biological classification, ecosystem, human effects on the environment and sustainable development goals. At last, we will sit on the grass and observe the environmental changes before the sunset. You are welcome to join! Please apply first (WeChat Official Account: Encounter_Nature OR Admission Office ID: LeCentre). Thanks.