新西兰东区小学比较 Owairoa vs BBP vs Pigeon Mt
Owairoa Primary
BBP - Buckland Beach Primary
Pigeon Mt - Pigeon Mountain Primary
My boy in in Owairoa with zone requirement now. I think it is good school with more students comparing with all others. Only thing I might not really satisfy is they do not have any out school activities. it could be because my boy is still in junior level. except this, everything seems good for me. by the way, swimming pool is no long used at school, my boy has never attended to swimming class (he is in yr2 now). School suggested that they are waiting for the fund to re-do the swimming pool, but... unsure when it could be started or done.
thank you very much for sharing. When was siwmming pool closed? as I just visited school in Feb 16, they showed me the swimming pool, and also there were some students just in the swimming class that time.
Their school is quite big, about nearly 800 students now. So not sure if teachers and staff are good enough to look after that many students.
How is your son's teacher?
Many Thanks
Really~~unless I did not even know where the new pool is? my boy's classroom is just next to the old pool~~~ I think the teach is good. well, be honest, no matter which school you go, you can not just expect the teacher to do everything at school~~~ I could not type Chinese at work, if you like, you could add my wechat:kaixin061215. the school without zone before, that's why so many students, but from this year, they changed as requested.
我看网上排名学习平分第一,但具体好在哪,有没有孩子 在这儿学校上学的,有没有什么详细的介绍呢?
Pigeon Mountain Primary对学习抓得比较紧, 多数华人家长比较喜欢. 作业相对多一些. 其他一些学校, 作业可能是每天读书20-40分钟,不是那种严格的"作业".
pgeon mountain primary没有游泳池,大家觉得游泳池对小学重要吗?
To be honest ,It is very hard to compare unless you tried all . each school has their own mission , some of them will more focus on Academy, some may focus on sports or activities.
Try to make the appointment with principle and ask him to take you for a school tour. You can feel the difference after visiting. do some studies before visiting , like what you expect from school ? academy ? no. of student in each class ? , some schools may have 30 kids in 1 class, activities , art or sports ? seriously it is very hard to say which one is the best , just which one suits your kids better. hope that will help . by the way, my boy used to in Owairoa primary , only 18 kids in 1 class which I am really happy about. but the year 2 teacher is huge different as the teacher in year 1. All the best.
Many thanks. I have met all principles and had interviewed with them. Also visited school and classrooms. Very hard decision, but will try to choose a better one suit my girl.
这3个学校都很好。无所谓哪个小学(鸽子山小学偏强)。可以就近入读。关键上顶级初中,初中上BBI,somerville,高中上macleans,私校Saint Kentigern。若小孩将来新西兰上大学,更无所谓哪个初中,高中。东区的绝大部分小学,初中,高中都很好。
听说Owairoa人很多很杂 会影响到教学质量吗 这个学校的师资怎样?有afterschool的活动吗?