Saving your baby's cord blood could save your baby's life
Saving the stem cells from your newborn’s umbilical cord provides your family with access to these potent cells which can save and change lives, whether during childhood or later in life. This is because stem cells are the body’s master cells. They create our organs, tissues, blood and immune system. Learn more about the benefits of cord blood banking.
You only have one chance to collect your child’s cord blood and that is at birth.
You need to register with CordBank before your baby is born to ensure that these precious stem cells are available for future medical use. Banking cord blood is easy, learn more about the steps involved.
Cord blood has been used after cancer treatment for the last 30 years. Emerging uses for a child’s own cord blood include the treatment of brain injury, Type 1 diabetes, autism, hearing loss, spinal injury and the reversal of paralysis.
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