新西兰Borany的[Elim Christian Junior College]如何?






Attendance Dues: $2470 (including GST) per child, per annum (payable directly to Proprietor – Auckland Elim City Church Trust) by direct debit

Special Character Donation: $320.00 per annum per student (i.e. $80 per term) (payable directly to the BOT, Elim Christian College)

Special Character Donation: Parents / Caregivers are reminded that the Special Character Donation is used for the purpose of delivering and nurturing the Christian faith of our students, developing in them a biblical worldview, with corresponding values and standards. This is not funded by the Ministry of Education. This tax deductible Special Character Donation is the only contribution that the school receives from Parents/Caregivers.

All new enrolments to the college will be required to pay their first term in advance. At the completion of the first term, payments for the remainder of the Attendance Dues for the year will be required on a weekly, fortnightly, monthly, by term basis or annually to the Proprietors by direct debit.

Further costs will be incurred for materials used in subjects such as visual art and technology, PE, and for camp and trips.

Enrolment for Domestic Students at Elim Christian College is in accordance with our enrolment policy criteria and interview process.

All applications received will be checked against our enrolment criteria and then in due course interviews will be arranged.   

Should your application not result in an enrolment at the desired level, you may request that your application be considered for the following year.  These requests are made via the School Enrolments Administrator either by phoning (09) 538 0368 or emailing  [email protected].   

While remaining on the wait list, you will be required to keep your application documentation up to date, e.g. current school reports etc.  It is essential that you respond to any wait list review correspondence in order to remain on the wait list.  Without the annual response form, your child's application will unfortunately be removed from the wait list.  Any subsequent enrolment applications submitted thereafter will result in a new application being required.

To view the Prospectus and to download an application form, please RIGHT click on the links below.


Parents seeking to enrol children at  Elim Christian College will have their
applications considered for acceptance in accordance with the school’s enrolment
preference as part of the agreement with the Ministry of Education, which states:
“A preference of enrolment at the School under Section 29(1) of the Act shall be given
to those pupils whose parents (guardians) have established a particular connection
with the School through membership of the Elim Church or a general connection
through affiliation with a Christian Church with a similar Biblical basis of faith.”

The enrolment criteria are:
 Siblings of students past or present whose parents are members of Elim Christian
 Children who are or whose parents are members of Elim Christian Centre and
who have attended Elim Christian Kindergarten.
 Children who are or whose parents are members of Elim Christian Centre.
 Children of parents who are staff of the Elim Christian Centre and all associated
Elim Christian Centre Ministries.
 Siblings of  students past or present whose parents are members of similar
 Children from Elim Christian Kindergarten whose parents are members of similar
 Children who are or whose parents are members of similar churches.
 Children from Elim Christian Kindergarten.
 Siblings of students past or present whose parents are not members of a church.
 Length of time on waiting list.

All enrolments are at the discretion of the Principal and are subject to ratification by
the Board of Trustees of Elim Christian College.

New Entrant Class:
1. There will be two intakes per term, one at the beginning of each term and one
in the middle of each term.
2. Children must be five years of age or over to be eligible to attend school.


Elim Christian College is a vibrant learning community impacting the whole person and providing seamless, quality education based on a Christian world-view and sound Christian principles. The special character of the school is determined by the faith system made up of the beliefs, values and lifestyle of the Elim Christian Centre.  We are a decile 9, state-integrated area school with total roll of 592 comprising 550 domestic students, 42 internationals, a teaching staff of 40 supported by administration and part-time personnel.

Elim Christian College actively pursues a strong focus on high expectations for student achievement and character development. The college environment is well-disciplined, safe and caring. Strategic vision and planning has produced influential direction, superb facilities and the school’s rapidly growing reputation for being a quality educational institution.
Through the vision of its proprietors the college has superb facilities and the ability to facilitate growth. Through the work of the Board of Trustees there is influential direction. Through well-qualified and diverse staff the college works to inspire student achievement to the highest degree and through our students we aim to significantly contribute to every sphere of society.

Goals and Expectations

We aim to set challenging targets for students and high expectations for staff performance to facilitate personal academic excellence among students.
We expect to seriously advantage students’ personal skills and ignite their ability to compete for tertiary entry, to enhance career prospects and to expand their knowledge horizons.
We have a strong focus to inspire each student to act with values and excellence while maintaining high standards of personal presentation within our delightful, rewarding, empowering and encouraging culture and climate.

The Vision

Our A.R.I.S.E strategic framework (Achievement, Responsibility, Inspiration, Skills, Elim Christian Character) is designed to shape and guide the college’s on-going development. It is reviewed annually in terms of impact, effectiveness and the degree to which it facilitates our special character in the light of current educational research and national education strategies.
Our current facilities incorporate 34 classrooms, administration, resource and student guidance areas, superb library, magnificent gymnasium, specialised IT and multi-media suites, visual art room, photography studio, two science laboratories and a 900-seat auditorium with advanced technology.

An amazing array of opportunities await prospective students, including performing and expressive arts, worship, leadership development, leading edge IT, a sequential outdoor education programme, high participation in academic competitions, fairs and events and an ever-growing sporting programme.

From 2012 Elim Christian College will operate on dual campus sites.  Elim Christian College Junior Campus will cater for Y1-Y8 students and be situated in Golflands Drive, Botany.  The secondary campus will remain on the current site at Botany Road, Howick.

请问如果想读这个的初中,估计要小孩几岁的时候就要开始排队了呢?父母都不是教徒。。 谢谢



I am moving to NZ in 2017 April, is it really hard to get into Elim school? I am thinking where shall I settle. If Elim does not take my son, I may not consider Botany Down area. Any comment?

P.S. I am Christian that why I am looking for a Christian if possible.  


请问东区这边 有没有古筝老师

新西兰东区这边 有没有古筝老师? 评论 有,我们就在学 评论 您能告诉我地址吗? 英文教学吗? 我女儿中文听不太懂。 谢谢 评论 could you pls pm me? 0225121985 erin. thanks 评论 东区有个,但是评价 ...



新西兰我家是女孩,目前在国内读6年级,有计划想让她后面来新西兰读书。 我们的基本情况是,有NZ PR,目前国内就读东部省会城市二流公立小学,班里大概稳定在前10吧 来新西兰考虑租房上 ...



新西兰我家宝宝的出生证上我跟老公的名字和我们的护照名字不一致,因为当初出生登记的时候我们还加上了自己的英文名。但是没想到会影响孩子重新换护照,大使馆说父母名字必须一致。 ...


remuera primary 还是 st Kentigern boys

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Epsom normal primary school

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新西兰我和我老婆都是中国护照,这边PR。 老婆要回国生小孩的话,请问宝宝是怎么申请新西兰的签证呢? 能直接申请新西兰PR吗? 请有相关经验的朋友分享一下, 宝宝大约要多久才能回新西 ...



新西兰万圣节狂欢派对 时间:10月28、29日 1-4PM 东区地址:559 Chapel Road East Tamaki(周六) 中区地址:Silver Rd Epsom ,EGGS(周日) 活动内容 百变小咖秀 亲子逗趣竟技 亲子创意手工DIY Face Paining 抽奖活 ...


After School Care 中文课

新西兰我的孩子2024年初在Cornwall Park District School 读小学。请问,这个学校附近有学中文的after school care吗?能直接接孩子去,然后下午5点,家长下班之后去接孩子吗?微信JackieJing2021 谢谢! ...



新西兰想了解一下学校的具体情况,如Mt Eden primary school, Remuera primary school, Victoria ave school 请有了解或者有孩子在学校的宝爸宝妈们不吝赐教,任何方面的信息都欢迎,万分感谢! 评论 ...... ...


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新西兰----------------------------- 转载 ------------------------------------- 为了简单起见,这里使用的开发环境是基于Windows。 我这里尽量用最简单的步骤来完成一切。 首先我们需要在电脑中安装Python语 ...