新西兰Looking for a New Zealand Babysitter, Nanny or Childcare Fac


Looking for a New Zealand Babysitter, Nanny or Childcare Facility?

The Babysitters4U web site is New Zealand's first web site that puts New Zealand parents, babysitters and nannies together. We are not an agency, we simply introduce parents and New Zealand childcare workers to each other, then it's up to you. Parents can search our Childcarer database for babysitters and nannies that suit their needs and email them via our web site. They can also post a work offer. If you are a child care worker, nanny or babysitter, you can search the database for child care work offered by parents or childcare facilities in your area and email them via the web site. It's that easy and best of all it's FREE!


Babysitters near Auckland, 2013, Howick, Botany Rd Map View

  • Krista Y. 0.3km
    25 year old Female, Drivers License, Own Transport
  • kate y. 0.5km
    19 year old Female with 2 References, Drivers License, Own Transport
  • Michelle W. 0.6km
    57 year old Female with 2 References, First Aid, Drivers License, Own Transport
  • suzanne m. 0.7km
    35 year old Female with 2 References, First Aid, Police Check, Drivers License, Own Transport
  • Kavita B. 0.7km
    41 year old Female with 2 References, First Aid, Police Check, Drivers License, Own Transport
  • Amy C. 0.8km
    29 year old Female with 2 References, First Aid, Police Check, Drivers Licence, Own Transport
  • Krista A. 0.8km
    22 year old Female, Drivers License, Own Transport
  • Kristen S. 0.8km
    22 year old Female with 2 References, First Aid, Police Check, Drivers Licence, Own Transport
  • Nicola S. 1.0km
    24 year old Female, First Aid, Police Check, Drivers License, Own Transport
  • Piyanut H. 1.0km
    24 year old Female with 2 References, Own Transport
  • jodie H. 1.0km
    2013 year old Female,
  • Sarah L. 1.0km
    26 year old Female with 2 References, Police Check, Drivers License, Own Transport
  • Suzanne S. 1.0km
    28 year old Female with 2 References, First Aid, Drivers License, Own Transport
  • Monique F. 1.1km
    25 year old Female with 2 References, First Aid, Police Check, Drivers License, Own Transport
  • raj k. 1.1km
    40 year old Female, Drivers License, Own Transport
  • Lisa D. 1.1km
    24 year old Female with 2 References, Police Check, Drivers Licence, Own Transport
  • Susan B. 1.1km
    16 year old Female with 2 References, Police Check, Own Transport
  • JUDITH K. 1.2km
    59 year old Female with 2 References, First Aid, Police Check, Drivers License, Own Transport
  • Justine M. 1.3km
    21 year old Female with 2 References, Police Check, Drivers License, Own Transport
  • claire m. 1.3km
    16 year old Female with 2 References,
  • Janelle M. 1.4km
    23 year old Female, First Aid, Drivers License, Own Transport
  • Samantha B. 1.4km
    22 year old Female with 2 References, First Aid, Own Transport
  • Andrea S. 1.4km
    24 year old Female with 2 References, Drivers License, Own Transport
  • aileen k. 1.5km
    24 year old Female, Own Transport
  • Charrymae Anne R. 1.5km
    21 year old Female with 2 References, First Aid, Drivers License, Own Transport
  • Mae Anne R. 1.5km
    21 year old Female with 2 References, First Aid, Drivers License, Own Transport
  • Melissa S. 1.5km
    23 year old Female with 2 References, Police Check, Drivers License, Own Transport
  • Rochelle J. 1.6km
    21 year old Female with 2 References, First Aid, Drivers License, Own Transport
  • Milada M. 1.6km
    29 year old Female with 2 References, Drivers License, Own Transport
  • Katrina E. 1.6km
    19 year old Female with 2 References, Drivers Licence
  • Sangita R. 1.6km
    28 year old Female with 2 References, First Aid, Drivers License, Own Transport
  • Rebekah P. 1.6km
    17 year old Female with 2 References, Police Check, Own Transport
  • Shannen R. 1.6km
    20 year old Female with 2 References, Police Check, Drivers License, Own Transport
  • Esther-Faith J. 1.6km
    20 year old Female with 2 References, Drivers License, Own Transport
  • Rachel W. 1.6km
    32 year old Female with 2 References, First Aid, Police Check, Drivers License, Own Transport
  • JUDE W. 1.7km
    55 year old Female with 2 References, First Aid, Police Check, Drivers License, Own Transport
  • Hollie J. 1.7km
    23 year old Female with 2 References, First Aid, Police Check, Drivers License, Own Transport
  • Kylie B. 1.8km
    27 year old Female, Drivers License, Own Transport
  • Lauren M. 1.8km
    23 year old Female with 2 References, Police Check, Drivers License, Own Transport
  • Lauren M. 1.8km
    22 year old Female with 2 References, First Aid, Police Check, Drivers License, Own Transport
  • Samantha C. 1.8km
    26 year old Female with 2 References, First Aid, Police Check, Drivers License, Own Transport
  • Hope L. 1.8km
    23 year old Female with 2 References, First Aid, Police Check, Drivers License, Own Transport
  • Annette F. 1.8km
    39 year old Female with 2 References, Drivers License, Own Transport
  • sharni M. 1.8km
    23 year old Female with 2 References, Smoker, Drivers License, Own Transport
  • Sladjana G. 1.9km
    26 year old Female with 2 References, Drivers License, Own Transport
  • Abby S. 1.9km
    21 year old Female, Police Check, Own Transport
  • Ghia T. 1.9km
    17 year old Female with 2 References, Drivers License
  • Marta T. 1.9km
    55 year old Female with 2 References, First Aid, Drivers License, Own Transport
  • Lana C. 1.9km
    24 year old Female with 2 References, First Aid, Police Check, Drivers License, Own Transport
  • Nicole B. 1.9km
    20 year old Female with 2 References, First Aid, Police Check, Drivers License, Own Transport
  • Lisa B. 1.9km
    25 year old Female with 2 References, Police Check, Own Transport
  • Katrina T. 2.0km
    17 year old Female, Own Transport
  • Anna W. 2.0km
    34 year old Female with 2 References, First Aid, Police Check, Drivers License, Own Transport
  • Mary-Lu E. 2.0km
    39 year old Female with 2 References, Police Check, Drivers License, Own Transport
  • Josephine H. 2.0km
    2013 year old Female,
  • Maja Z. 2.0km
    29 year old Female with 2 References, Police Check, Drivers License, Own Transport
  • Sandra T. 2.0km
    63 year old Female with 2 References, Drivers License, Own Transport
  • Sarah M. 2.0km
    23 year






how much it  will be?  20/h?


好像是15起价 要求越多越贵 比如如果要带孩子去playgroup什么的就要20多








13块5. 我觉得15还可以。我一个洋人朋友要找。她说等她生了以后她要找个人送饭,170 一周,我都不知道他们洋人还有这种月子餐服务




sign up,说是会发email active一下account,可是两天了还是没有收到他们的邮件,换了个邮箱也不行,这网站是不是不办了?


请问东区这边 有没有古筝老师

新西兰东区这边 有没有古筝老师? 评论 有,我们就在学 评论 您能告诉我地址吗? 英文教学吗? 我女儿中文听不太懂。 谢谢 评论 could you pls pm me? 0225121985 erin. thanks 评论 东区有个,但是评价 ...



新西兰我家是女孩,目前在国内读6年级,有计划想让她后面来新西兰读书。 我们的基本情况是,有NZ PR,目前国内就读东部省会城市二流公立小学,班里大概稳定在前10吧 来新西兰考虑租房上 ...



新西兰我家宝宝的出生证上我跟老公的名字和我们的护照名字不一致,因为当初出生登记的时候我们还加上了自己的英文名。但是没想到会影响孩子重新换护照,大使馆说父母名字必须一致。 ...


remuera primary 还是 st Kentigern boys

新西兰这两年都在国内生活,两男娃都到了可以上小学的年纪打算回来读小学,国内环境确实不好而且太卷。现在比较纠结,这两个学校该选那个,孩子体育跟学术都还行,老外朋友建议remu ...


Epsom normal primary school

新西兰如题,大家都听过的学校,有了解的家长说说吗,最近的学校情况如何,校风可好?种族比例合理吗?学习抓得紧还是放养?印度校长之下果真是印度学生人数失衡?过来的家长推荐吗 ...



新西兰我和我老婆都是中国护照,这边PR。 老婆要回国生小孩的话,请问宝宝是怎么申请新西兰的签证呢? 能直接申请新西兰PR吗? 请有相关经验的朋友分享一下, 宝宝大约要多久才能回新西 ...



新西兰万圣节狂欢派对 时间:10月28、29日 1-4PM 东区地址:559 Chapel Road East Tamaki(周六) 中区地址:Silver Rd Epsom ,EGGS(周日) 活动内容 百变小咖秀 亲子逗趣竟技 亲子创意手工DIY Face Paining 抽奖活 ...


After School Care 中文课

新西兰我的孩子2024年初在Cornwall Park District School 读小学。请问,这个学校附近有学中文的after school care吗?能直接接孩子去,然后下午5点,家长下班之后去接孩子吗?微信JackieJing2021 谢谢! ...



新西兰想了解一下学校的具体情况,如Mt Eden primary school, Remuera primary school, Victoria ave school 请有了解或者有孩子在学校的宝爸宝妈们不吝赐教,任何方面的信息都欢迎,万分感谢! 评论 ...... ...


Albany Massey附近羽毛球俱乐部

新西兰大家好,我是一位新手宝妈,对羽毛球非常感兴趣,希望能找到一个业余水平的羽毛球群组,与大家一起练习和交流。我目前的时间比较灵活,傍晚是我比较方便参加羽毛球活动的时间 ...



新西兰想请问有经验的大大们,中区有哪些校区推荐呢? mt eden, mt albert, grey lynn, one tree hill 附近? remerewa ???? 小学+初中+高中 类似东区有的区是在 鸽子山小学+BBI + maclean高中 还有些是point vi ...



新西兰在奥克兰找一个送报纸的工作(paper runner)到底在哪里找啊,别的说的都很模糊,自己也找十几个小时了,根本找不到,真不知道该怎么办了,或者除了这个还有没有什么小孩可以干的 ...



新西兰----------------------------- 转载 ------------------------------------- 为了简单起见,这里使用的开发环境是基于Windows。 我这里尽量用最简单的步骤来完成一切。 首先我们需要在电脑中安装Python语 ...