我也是买的onepath 跟父母一起的 不记得多少钱..
我刚给宝宝加到我southern cross里面的,才4.1一周啊
family discount, 8tower.
可以email我详情吗,[email protected]
也请EMAIL一下给我 谢谢
[email protected]
please email me as well
顺便帖上 SC的WB2和tower的Premier care+speciallist的比较吧
| TOWER Premier Health Specialist Benefit Remove | Southern Cross Wellbeing Two Remove |
Policy | ||
Company/Policy name | TOWER Premier Health Specialist Benefit | Southern Cross Wellbeing Two |
Financial strength rating | A- (Excellent) A.M. Best | A+ (Strong) Standard and Poor's |
Contact phone number | 0800 754 754 | 0800 800 181 |
Insurance type![]() | Hospital plus specialists and tests cover | Hospital plus specialists and tests cover |
Ratings | ||
Policy cover![]() | ![]() | ![]() |
Policy cover & maximum payouts | ||
Hospital cover - surgical | $300,000 per person per year | $100,000/operation |
Hospital cover - non-surgical | $200,000 per person per year | $60,000 per year for chemotherapy benefit, radiotherapy benefit $25,000. |
Specialist consultations | Covered under hospitalisation maximums up to 6 months prior to surgery and 6 months after, if related to that surgery. | Consultation maximums vary by specialty. No annual limits. |
Major diagnostic procedures associated with hospitalisation | Covered under hospitalisation maximums up to 6 months prior to hospitalisation and 6 months after. | CT, MRI, PET and Myocardial perfusion maximums vary by procedure. Up to $5000 per year for cardiac tests and $3000 per year for other diagnostic tests. Many other diagnostic procedures such as angiograms, gastroscopies and colonoscopies are covered under the surgical benefit. |
Major diagnostic procedures not associated with hospitalisation | Base cover: Covers the following diagnostic after referral by GP or registered specialist: Arthroscopy, Capsule endoscopy, colonoscopy, colposcopy, CT Scan, CT Angiogram, Cystoscopy, Gastrocospy, MRI Scan. No limit per diagnostic investigation. Covered under surgical or non-surgical limits. | CT, MRI, PET and Myocardial perfusion maximums vary by procedure. Up to $5000 per year for cardiac tests and $3000 per year for other diagnostic tests. Many other diagnostic procedures such as angiograms, gastroscopies and colonoscopies are covered under the surgical benefit. |
Additional specialist cover | Specialist option: Specialist benefits available with no maximums on specialist consultation after referral by a GP or registered specialist, even when the insured person has not been, or will not be hospitalised. (No excess on specialist option). Diagnostic radiology and imaging with maximums by procedure. | Oncologist: $300 or $125/consultation; Psychiatrist: $750/year |
Additional diagnostic cover | Specialist option: $3000 limit per person per year on any diagnostic. $60,000 per person per year on cardiac investigations. (No excess on specialist option.) | X-rays, ultrasounds, mammography, nuclear scanning, lab tests maximums vary by procedure/test. |
Post-op physiotherapy | $750 hospitalisation. | In-hospital physio covered under $100,000/operation. Out of hospital $60/visit, $300 year. Must be within 4 months after surgery. |
Post-op home nursing | $150 per person per day, $6000/year | $125/day, $2000/year. Must be within 4 months after surgery. |
Minor surgery benefit | $750 per person per year at GP's; skin lesions surgery $6000 per year. | Minor surgery and procedures in GP's rooms $450/operation/procedure. $7500 per claims year for minor skin surgery under local anaesthetic by a specialist. |
Overseas treatment | $20,000 per overseas visit | $10,000/year |
Suspension of cover | 3-24 months if overseas; 3-6 months if unemployed. | 2-12 months if overseas or redundant once per lifetime for up to 3 months. |
Support person/parent accommodation benefit | $200/night, $3000/hospitalisation | $100/night $500/year, parent of hospitalised child |
Public hospital benefit | $300/night, for the third and each subquent night - $3000 per policy year | $50/night, $2400/year. |
Death/funeral benefit | If policyholder dies before the age of 65. Premiums paid for two years or until surviving person turns 65 whichever happens first. Funeral support grant $3000. | $2400 funeral allowance, on death of any current member before age 65 years from causes other than accidental. If the Policyholder dies under age 60, surviving dependants named on policy covered for 2 years free of charge. |
Pharmaceuticals | Pharmac only - non-Pharmac funded for Cancer Assistance Benefit | Pharmac only - non-Pharmac approved MedSafe indicated chemotherapy drugs available up to 50 percent of the cost and $10,000 per claims year. |
Alternative medical providers | Osteopath, chiropractor, occupational therapy, dietician. | Optional extra |
Additional benefits![]() | Obstetrics benefit. Sterilisation $1000; ambulance transfer benefit; medical examination $100 covered after three continuous years; ACC top up, cancer benefit,travel and accommodation benefit. | Palliative care and treatment allowance. Post-operative Speech and Language therapy. Sterilisation allowance, after 12 months cover. Being active benefit, obstetrics, gastric banding/bypass and breast reduction allowances after three years. Post mastectomy allowance to achieve breast symmetry. Ambulance allowance. Psychiatric Care. 评论 非常感谢! 评论 Lily 麻烦一下给我发 [email protected] 谢谢 一本文理雙修的必看書籍(適合大點的孩子):新西兰Gödel, Escher, Bach: an Eternal Golden Braid , also known as GEB, is a 1979 book by Douglas Hofstadter. 博客來:這是一本空前的奇書,也是一本傑出的科學普及名著,它以精心設計的巧妙筆法深入淺出地介紹 ... 奥克兰也有孩子学滑板的地方啦~~新西兰每次去滑板公园,都能看到很多养人小孩玩滑板,总想让孩子试试,但孩子有点害羞,加上确实不会滑,就没试过滑板。 听说有个滑板教练挺不错的,朋友家的孩子在那学,说教练特别 ... 东区青少年羽毛球新西兰神兽们的假期开始了,有没有喜欢打羽毛球的青少年?留下你的联系方式,我们可以组团打球,让孩子们多运动,远离电脑游戏! 评论 啊,太远了,我们在Orewa的球馆。东区那个馆真的 ... 合法Home & Income 的房子,申请学校时候可以新西兰如题,刚买了房子,是合法的home income, 这种情况能够2个不同的家庭申请 同一个学校么?换句话说,学校会给出2个名额吗? 感谢大家答复,也发了邮件给学校确认一下,但是挺好奇别 ... 教少儿抖音爵士舞老师,求推荐!新西兰我女儿刚满6岁,对少儿抖音爵士舞很感兴趣,在国内学了几个月,想继续学,国内是1对1, 如果是一对2是最好的,小孩子可以一起边玩边学,有一起学习小伙伴或者有爵士舞老师推荐 ... 奥克兰中区新西兰你的小鼓手准备好成长了吗? 鼓老师不仅是一位打鼓专家,更是一位深刻重视您的孩子学习成长和潜力的父亲! 你可以放心将你的小鼓手交给他! 超过20年的打鼓经验 在专业现场摇滚 ... Auckland Central新西兰Is your little drummer ready to grow? Drum teacher is not just a drum expert but also a dad who deeply values your child's learning and potential! Over 20 years of drumming experience 10 years rocking the professional scene Bilingual: Mandar ... 英文書介紹新西兰最近整理了一下孩子最近幾年看的小說書, 希望給大家一點參考。 小姑娘愛看的書,適合8,9歲以上 1. The Incorrigible Chidlren of Ashton Place 2. Greystone secrets 3. Keeper of Lost Cities 4. Wings of Fire ... 九九乘法表要不要教呢?新西兰大家都知道新西兰的数学教不起来,有的初中孩子还在课上做加减乘除练习,不要求学生背九九乘法表,不要求刷题练习。很多华人家长不得不给娃网上报班学习。 这周去参加小学给家 ... 孩子打排球的地方新西兰请问大家奥克兰哪里有孩子打排球的俱乐部或者兴趣小组? 评论 初中開始就有排球隊了 评论 已经参加初中排球队了 评论 有一部動畫片,排球少年,可以看看。前幾年在日本爆火,很 ... 住在中区的混血宝贝有多少啊?新西兰有没有住在CITY的混血宝贝家庭的啊? 我家大的10岁,小的6岁,可以一起约着玩啊。 评论 可以联系我哦: 0273138990 假期到了,约着一起带娃玩下哦 评论 混血宝 住中区加我 评论 找附近 ... 奥克兰有腹膜外剖腹产可以做吗?新西兰看到腹膜外剖腹产孕妇受罪比较少,知道国内香港和澳洲都有做,但是搜了一下新西兰好像没找到有做的,想问问各位姐妹,奥克兰有做腹膜外剖腹产的嘛?体验怎么样? 评论 http://C ... 请问东区这边 有没有古筝老师新西兰东区这边 有没有古筝老师? 评论 有,我们就在学 评论 您能告诉我地址吗? 英文教学吗? 我女儿中文听不太懂。 谢谢 评论 could you pls pm me? 0225121985 erin. thanks 评论 东区有个,但是评价 ... 请教中学择校问题新西兰我家是女孩,目前在国内读6年级,有计划想让她后面来新西兰读书。 我们的基本情况是,有NZ PR,目前国内就读东部省会城市二流公立小学,班里大概稳定在前10吧 来新西兰考虑租房上 ... 宝宝出生证信息更改需要多久?新西兰我家宝宝的出生证上我跟老公的名字和我们的护照名字不一致,因为当初出生登记的时候我们还加上了自己的英文名。但是没想到会影响孩子重新换护照,大使馆说父母名字必须一致。 ... remuera primary 还是 st Kentigern boys新西兰这两年都在国内生活,两男娃都到了可以上小学的年纪打算回来读小学,国内环境确实不好而且太卷。现在比较纠结,这两个学校该选那个,孩子体育跟学术都还行,老外朋友建议remu ... Epsom normal primary school新西兰如题,大家都听过的学校,有了解的家长说说吗,最近的学校情况如何,校风可好?种族比例合理吗?学习抓得紧还是放养?印度校长之下果真是印度学生人数失衡?过来的家长推荐吗 ... 回国生后宝宝怎么回新西兰新西兰我和我老婆都是中国护照,这边PR。 老婆要回国生小孩的话,请问宝宝是怎么申请新西兰的签证呢? 能直接申请新西兰PR吗? 请有相关经验的朋友分享一下, 宝宝大约要多久才能回新西 ... 万圣节狂欢派对(Free)新西兰万圣节狂欢派对 时间:10月28、29日 1-4PM 东区地址:559 Chapel Road East Tamaki(周六) 中区地址:Silver Rd Epsom ,EGGS(周日) 活动内容 百变小咖秀 亲子逗趣竟技 亲子创意手工DIY Face Paining 抽奖活 ... 新西兰高中数学 NCEA及剑桥体系 介绍与比较新西兰NCEA(新西兰国家高中证书)和剑桥国际教育是两种不同的高中数学教育体系,它们之间存在一些明显的区别。 体系管理 NCEA是由新西兰国家教育部管理的国家性教育体系,广泛应用于新 ... |