新西兰有的父母也需要被Time Out


Sometimes mommies and daddies need a time out, too.

But when?

And who's to say this mommy and daddy know what is best and that one doesn't? How do you decide?

When you get into raising one another's kids, Daddy says that this kind of topic is a 'can of worms.'

Parents Time Out
But, I'll let you decide if these mommies and daddies in this series need a time out or not.

Here's the first one.

This daddy seems to be teaching his little boy how to hold a gun. A real gun!

It's true that in America guns are permitted in the home. To be owned by everyday people.

But isn't the case of this daddy seeming to teach his little boy how to hold a gun a bit over the top?

Or maybe the little boy is showing his daddy something he saw on TV or in the movies?

Daddy says that when he was a little boy he learned to never point guns at people. And that "Guns don't kill people, people kill people."

Real guns kill real people, too.

Is this daddy going too far?


Chinese-Americans do better in school than many of their peers from other ethnic backgrounds. Except for maybe Indian-Americans.

Where I live in Silicon Valley, many non-Chinese-Americans are moving out of some local cities because they are not able to keep up with the Chinese-American students they go to school with.

Instead of trying harder. They leave.

What are some of the reasons Chinese-Americans do better than their peers do in school.

Chinese-American students:

1. Work harder

2. Are more disciplined

3. Have a stronger commitment

4. Have a stronger work ethic

5. Choose academics to distinguish themselves

6. Have parents who value higher education more than their peers

7. Demand performance in education more than their peers (parents)

8. Have parents who will sacrifice for their kids education

9. Think education is the path to success

10. Have a strong family support system

11. Can escape family chores because they have to study

12. Don’t need to do part-time jobs because they have to study

13. Are told to study hard from a very early age.

14. Fear failure in education

15. Thrive at competition with their studies

16. Take pride in bringing more Asians to the top of academia

Question: Do Chinese-American parents push their children too hard?

Is education given too much emphasis?

I am just getting warmed up going to school.

Today I had to take words to kindergarten that started with a short letter I.

Mommy and daddy gave me 4 words.

Here is an invoice to my Indian customers who have ordered some indigo ink.

Should I be worried?

I have been dying for my first tooth to fall out.
Mommy and daddy said the tooth fairy would probably leave enough money for me to buy my first game on my iPad mini.

Yesterday my first tooth came out.

Next step was to hide it under my pillow for the tooth fairy to find.

But I don't want to.

"Huh? You don't want to put your tooth under your pillow tonight?"

"Nope. I want to wait. Gong Gong and Poh Poh are coming. And they want to see my tooth."

"But what about the money for the iPad mini game?"

"I can wait. It's called  D laid the giraffe on vacation."

"Huh? Oh, delayed gratification."

"What's that daddy?"

"That's when you don't mind waiting for something that you really wanted because when you do finally get it you are even happier.

"Oh, I thought that maybe Gong Gong or Poh Poh needed my tooth because theirs are falling out. And mine is pretty new and tough. A little small. But tough. I will show them my tooth. And if they want to use it, that's okay. I don't need money from the tooth fairy that much. And I love my Gong Gong and Poh Poh more than money."

"With that attitude, Mia, you will learn that delayed gratification will always be better than immediate satisfaction."

Have you ever waited longer than you have to get something you wanted? Knowing that when you finally got it you would enjoy it even more?

My daddy said he was told to not talk to strangers.

And don't take candy from strangers.

And ... well that was about it.

It's not that way anymore. We now have digital warnings that we have to obey.

Here are some that I can think of.

1. Don't make friends with people on Facebook that you don't know.

2. Don't chat with people you don't know.

3. Don't follow bad celebrities on Twitter.

4. Don't visit web sites that might bring viruses to your computer.

5. Don't drop your cell phone.

6. Don't throw your iPad like it's a Frisbee.

7. Don't put pictures of you doing dumb stuff on Facebook.

8. Don't do dumb stuff.

9. Don't lie on Facebook. You will be found out.

1o. Don't tell too much truth on Facebook. You will be found out.

(Wow, Facebook can be confusing.)

11. Don't text people you don't know.

12. Don't tell people you don't know where you are.

13. Don't give away your credit card information online.
(That's easy. I don't even have a credit card.)

14. Don't go to Vimeo or Dailymotion to watch videos.

15. Don't watch too many Youtube videos.

16. Don't film yourself doing stupid stuff and put it on Youtube, Vimeo or Dailymotion.

17. Don't forget number 8.

18.  Don't watch too many movies on your cellphone, smartphone or tablet.

19. Don't click on links to your email from people you don't know.

20. Don't go to forums and interact with people you don't know.

21. Do go into your room and hug your baby Aurora doll and surround yourself with stuffed animals and never come out till this whole internet fad passes.

Did I miss something? I know I did.

Please add to the list in the comments and I will make the changes.



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After School Care 中文课

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