Dog safetyAuckland Council
Animal Management Officers deal with dog and stock related requests for service. This includes dog attacks, wandering stock, roaming dogs, lost and impounded animals, excessive barking and fouling. We are ready to help with your enquiries 7 days a week, 24 hours a day.
Phone us: (09) 301 0101 (toll free for residential landlines within the Auckland Council boundary)
This section has information for dog owners, children, parents and anyone who wants to learn about keeping safe around dogs.
There is more information about being safe around dogs on the Department of Internal Affairs' Dog Safety website.
Child safety All dogs have the potential to bite or attack under certain circumstances. Children can be unpredictable and may frighten and hurt dogs. Dogs will defend themselves with their teeth - or may hurt a child through over-exuberance, e.g. through knocking them over.
Around a third of all dog attacks in New Zealand are on children under 12 years of age. Teach your children how to interact with dogs and always supervise dogs around children and children around dogs.
Remember: animals can have bad moods just like people, or your dog may be in pain. If your dog seems grumpy, don't let children play with or aggravate it.
Auckland Council animal control officers present sessions in schools, kindergartens, Kohanga Reo, etc.
If you want more information on this, please contact us.
If an unknown dog approaches you:
- stand still, be like a tree
- let the dog sniff you, this is how it gets to know you
- move slowly and speak softly - quick movements and loud voices can scare a dog
- don't try to pat it, even if it seems friendly
- don't run away.
If approached by a threatening dog
- remain calm and still (like a tree). Quick movements and loud noises can cause a dog to react
- keep hands by your sides
- turn so you are “side on” to the dog
- keep the dog in sight but don't stare directly at it - look down at your feet or the dog’s feet
- try firm and simple commands such as "No", "Stay", "Down" or "Go Home" in a calm voice
- use the dog's name if you know it
- if you have a child with you, keep him or her behind you. Don’t pick your child (or dog) up
- slowly and quietly back away from the dog, keeping it in sight.
If attacked Being attacked by a dog is a frightening experience. Our natural reactions to fear (eg, running, waving arms, squealing, and screaming) may make the situation worse.
Practise the steps under "If approached by a threatening dog" and the following steps - and teach them to your children.
- put an object between you and the dog, eg a bag, parcel, bicycle, car door
- if a dog leaps at you, cover your face and neck with your hands and arms
- don't turn your back or scream
- never lie down
- If you are knocked down, lie down with your face down, curl up in a foetal position (roll up into a ball), and put your hands and arms over the back of your head and neck
- if a dog bites you, wash and disinfect the area, and see a doctor as soon as possible
- remember to take notice of the dog's details – eg, its breed, size and colour, any collar or tags - and the time, location and direction should it escape
- Contact us to report the incident
- face the dog head on
- look it in the eye
- run or scream.
A wagging tail does not always mean that the dog is happy or friendly.
Do not:
- try to stop two dogs fighting - always seek help by telephoning the animal control office
- hurt a dog, eg pull its ears or tail or jump on top of it
- reach your hand into a car window or through a fence to pat a dog
- enter someone's property until the dog's owner knows you’re there
- bother a dog when it’s eating or sleeping
- scream, wave your arms about or run away
- make a dog feel trapped by cornering it or boxing it in (eg, by suddenly hugging or kissing it)
- surprise a dog by creeping up on it
- leave a dog alone with an infant or child
- approach an unfamiliar dog without the owner’s permission
- approach a dog playing with toys
- approach a mother dog with her puppies.
http://China2au/forum.php ... D307%26typeid%3D307
这周,一个关于狗咬人的事情,在Skykiwi上闹得沸沸扬扬, 甚至NZHerald也专门刊登了相关的报道。不知怎的,一件往事悄然浮现脑海。
在我刚刚经过一户人家门前,忽然,“嗖嗖”,我只在眼角余光看到两条黑影在我右边窜了出来。我浑身一颤:不是见鬼了吧?我当时就停下脚步,小心翼翼地转过脸,往身后一瞧,顿时,冷汗就冒了出来:2条一米高的土狗恶恨恨地瞪着我,嘴里还不断地发出“wu wu”地,同时,我也看到了保养系好,能够反射灯光的獠牙。“不是吧” 我边想边抱怨,“怎么屋主不看好他们,让他们乱跑啊”。幸好,之前偶然看到一些资料,说是,如果和狗对上,应对方法是:冷静,千万不能跑,在周围寻找武器,移动时,只能是慢慢地。我努力定了定神,两眼左右快速扫描,但,眼见四下无人,唯有凄惨地灯光由养狗的这家渗透出来。接着,我只能看地上有没有万能的板砖,粗壮的树枝等等有威慑力的自卫武器——当时,我只想着把狗狗们吓跑,根本没有和他们肉搏的心思。可惜,地上周围,除了沙子,就是树叶。当然,我很高兴,有一棵树长在了附近,但,无奈树干太高,我估计,还没等我开始爬树,这两位兄弟(姊妹)就要瓜分我可怜的八月十五了。
那刻,狗狗们也在不断地向我逼近,我只能小心翼翼地缓缓向后挪动,我真的感到绝望了。好吧,在生命受到强烈威胁时,其它的神马,真的就是浮云,例如,面子。“干” 我决定豁出去了,猛吸一口气,然后用力呼喊:“救命啊,救命啊!!!” 天,这可是我15岁前的第一次喊救命,还是被两条不期而遇地狗狗威迫的。感谢苍天,他们的主人听到我真情的呼喊,出来看个究竟,然后,把他的宝贝们喊进了屋里。然后,我注视着那扇依然半掩地屋门,倒退着向后远离,然后,我忽然转过身,用力往外婆家奔去。然后,用力地把自己扔进了外婆家。呼...呼...呼...我得救了,终于。
自那以后,看到街上各式各样的狗们,我都不由自主地避开一些,同时保持“注目礼”。当然,我也确实亲身严明了一个事情:如果不幸和凶狠的狗对上,正确的方式是——冷静,不能乱动,乱跑,而是要找武器,同时呼救。 当然,只要我们和狗狗等动物和谐相处,大部分时候,我们就都是好朋友,我们的生活,也会更多姿多彩。
1.http://China2au/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=2392357&extra=page%3D1 闲来有话2.http://China2au/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=2392359&extra=page%3D1 缘分天空
3.http://China2au/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=2392362&extra=page%3D1 FML
我家狗还不错,上次有个拉募捐的直接无视大门上的BEWARE OF DOGS,开门进来,我家狗也就是冲着她在一定距离狂叫,那女的毫无惧色。我老公有点小失望,说了句:“看来真的是凶狗不叫,叫狗不凶啊。”我说你难道还希望狗扑上去就咬啊,他说他就希望我家狗呲着牙露着牙肉低吼,那气势比死命狂叫要强,保证让人不敢接近。
当时从一窝小狗中选狗崽,我发现喊这些小狗只有他很警惕地站在那边不过来,其它小狗都摇着尾巴过来了;可是他对狗主显得很亲热;和它的兄弟姐妹们闹着玩的时候它是占上风的那个,于是我确定它是一条好的WATCH DOG。到现在他都不会让陌生人接近。
据说选导盲犬的标准是喊狗崽,它会站在那里思考一阵,然后过来。喊了不过来的和喊了立刻过来的直接FAIL。我就按我的理解把选WATCH DOG的标准篡改一下,呵呵。
--- 說得對。我還有很長的日子要熬!我女兒18歲的時候我已經垂垂老矣了,不知道很能幹些什麽。。。。