Can't type Chinese(damn!)...... Only I talk to my boy in Chinese in the family, so he's kind of in bilingual environment, but without doubt that he speaks English better and picks the words faster than in Chinese, he can count from 1-10 fluently in English but with a litter bit difficulty in Chinese (he's nearly 3). However, as long as I keep speaking Chinese to him, he still learns (pronunciation only for this stage) and I try to encourage him respond in Chinese, specially when talking to me. Helping them to speak and master a foreign or second language, it's a challenge to parents but not just to the kids.
verycd上有下载的,好像国外那些花园宝宝啊,bob the builder,thomas and friends,我儿子的一部汽车总动员也是中文配音的 <.< 家里大人还是要注意的,父母都是讲中文的,孩子居然连说都不行了,这家里大人也不上心到一定程度了。。。。。平时都没和孩子在交流啊。。。。。 我lg不会说中文,我从来就不和我儿子说英文,不过我妈在的时候,中文都部分我妈就补足了,我就和我儿子说英文,反正就是接触频繁度要尽量平衡~我儿子目前的状态我算比较满意,中英文都说的不错,就是混在一起说比较头疼有时候,好处就是我妈跟着学英文单词,我lg跟着学中文单词了哈哈
新西兰Gödel, Escher, Bach: an Eternal Golden Braid , also known as GEB, is a 1979 book by Douglas Hofstadter. 博客來:這是一本空前的奇書,也是一本傑出的科學普及名著,它以精心設計的巧妙筆法深入淺出地介紹 ...
新西兰Is your little drummer ready to grow? Drum teacher is not just a drum expert but also a dad who deeply values your child's learning and potential! Over 20 years of drumming experience 10 years rocking the professional scene Bilingual: Mandar ...
新西兰最近整理了一下孩子最近幾年看的小說書, 希望給大家一點參考。 小姑娘愛看的書,適合8,9歲以上 1. The Incorrigible Chidlren of Ashton Place 2. Greystone secrets 3. Keeper of Lost Cities 4. Wings of Fire ...