





应该是在这周末的ballon festival,好像在hamilton lake.

Balloons Over Waikato--气球节2010
2010怀卡托气球节:(天气会影响活动,请自己看下面连接确定具体时间 )
--开幕:3.24 早上7.30 湖边

--周五3.26 晚上气球节游行。时间晚上5点左右开始,从
Hood Street, Hamilton 出发,沿着维多利亚街。具体安排自己翻译吧。。
Balloomin Madness Parade 26th March 2010The Balloomin Madness Parade begins and ends in Hood Street from 5.30pm.  There will be dancing routines, trailers and balloons, dress up, prizes and voting for the best dressed teams.

The balloonists throw themselves whole heartedly into the theme of things, dressing up themselves their trailers and balloons. There are prizes presented for the best dressed teams.  The parade is enhanced by the inclusion of up to 10 schools who create ‘walking floats’. The participating schools are given lessons on this in the weeks prior and create the most amazing sights entirely of balloons.  There are prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd.

The parade leaves at 7pm, on dusk.  It is a spectacular sight as the balloons burn their burners as the travel down the main street.  The Radio Network MC will liaise between Hood Street and Garden Place. Thousands of people turn out and line the streets to watch this annual parade.

Hood Street will be closed from 5pm so get down to Hood Street and enjoy the entertainment...
--周六.3.27 晚上大学草场的闭幕活动。 下午4.00-9.30 左右。 免费入场。THE HAMILTON NIGHTGLOW AT WAIKATO THE UNIVERSITYAfternoon 4.00pm - 9.30pm approx.


http://www.balloonsoverwaikato.co.nz/*********************************************************************************************************** Programme of Events Ballooning is weather dependent so decisions can only be made on the day. To see whether the balloons are flying check out our homepage or call the Event info line on 083 220 063 (calls cost 10c)Wednesday 24th MarchTHE GALLAGHER MASS ASCENSIONMorning 7.30am approx.Balloons commence inflation - Innes Common, Hamilton Lake

The Festival begins.  A visual feast with 30- 35 balloons inflating and flying out from Innes Common. Featuring new and spectacular special shaped balloons.  BALLOONS FUNTASTIC 'WHAT'S UP' QUIZAfternoon 5.00pm approx.Balloons commence inflation - Innes Common, Hamilton LakeWelcome to the Balloons Funtastic Balloons Over Waikato Quiz competition.  Collect your entry forms from one of 4 Jack in the Box walkabout balloon characters on the day or download off Balloons Funtastic website. A special way to enjoy the balloons with great prizes to be won. Draw will be on the Nightglow.

Thursday 25th MarchTVNZ BREAKFAST AT DAWN(In association with Fonterra, Sanitarium, George Weston Foods and Envirocentre Hamilton)Morning 6.30am approx.Balloons commence inflation - Innes Common, Hamilton Lake.Now a New Zealand icon,  for the third year a select number of balloons will lift off just before dawn creating a magical glow in the sky as they fly into the dark.  The rest of the balloons lift off as dawn breaks.  Come and join us for breakfast and be one of the first to see this magical sight. TVNZ will be broadcasting live from here this morning.ASB SCHOOL HOPAfternoon 1.30pm approx.Balloons commence inflation - Various local schools and Innes Common, Hamilton Lake  

Although some balloons will still fly from Innes Common, most will visit local schools.  Pilots will talk to the pupils and weather permitting, will launch from the school fields.
Friday 26 MarchBALLOONS 'OUT AND ABOUT'Morning 7.30am approx.Balloons commence inflation - Within the Waikato and Innes Common, Hamilton Lake.
The balloons will visit the regions of Waikato, Matamata/Piako and Waipa districts.  Some balloons will remain at Innes Common."THE HIREPOOL BALLOOMIN MADNESS PARADE"Evening 7.00pm approx.Departing Hood Street, HamiltonThe Balloons over Waikato Parade will travel along Victoria Street, Hamilton. This is the City’s official welcome to the Balloonists, majority of who participate in the Parade.  Join us in Hood Street from 5pm for music and entertainment. Vote for your favourite balloon float and go into the draw to win a $50 Hood Street voucher.  We are also delighted to welcome a number of schools who will join the parade as ‘moving’ floats with balloons attached to their bodies to depict a theme. After the parade, balloonists will then return to Hood Street for the Balloonist After Party.

www.hoodstreet.co.nz Saturday 27th MarchCASH GRAB COMPETITIONMorning 7.30am approxBalloons commence inflation - Various Hamilton parks

This is the morning for the highly popular CASH GRAB COMPETITION, a major feature of the event, where balloonist attempt to remove a pot of money from the top of a pole at Innes Common, Hamilton Lake.  The first attempts are expected about 7.45am. THE HAMILTON NIGHTGLOW AT WAIKATO THE UNIVERSITYAfternoon 4.00pm - 9.30pm approx.The University of Waikato, HamiltonHamilton’s Big Night Out. The highlight of the Festival for spectators, with live music, the orchestrated Balloon Glow Show and fireworks.
Sunday 28th MarchTHE LION FOUNDATION FINAL FINALEMorning 7.30am approx.Balloons commence inflation - Innes Common, Hamilton Lake  

Sunday is the final day of competitions and the Flight Director will create various tests of flying skills.  Watch the balloons compete for the last remaining points to be crowned Balloon Champion.


Balloon ride info
Interested in having a ride in a hot air balloon  Rides cost $290.00 for a flight lasting approximately one hour. Click on the links below to make a booking:

www.visithamilton.co.nz or email: [email protected] and if you have any problems please call Hailey on 07 839 3580.



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Auckland Central

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请问东区这边 有没有古筝老师

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remuera primary 还是 st Kentigern boys

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