新西兰我看了很触动的故事 A story about little Isabelle


This is astory about a lovely girl was killed in a car accident. It is sotouching my heart. Please use the right car seat for your little one.All bless to our beautiful Belle.



Rear facing to, and beyond 12kgs


Ifyour child is over 12 months of age but weighs less than 12kgs, you cancontinue to keep him/her rear facing. There is no law saying thatchildren must be forward facing on their first birthday, however is itbest for your child to be rear facing until they are at least 12kgs.Therefore going by weight not age.


Someseats rear face to 9kgs only, you should consider buying a new rearfacing seat until your child is 12kgs for their own safety. If yourseat allows rear facing for longer than 12kgs, continue using is thisway until the child outgrows the rear facing limits of that restraint.




                          Extended rear facing
                          It is recommended to keep your child rear facing until 12 months ofage. It is a misconception that a child is safe to be forward facingfrom 6 months of age. Testing   shows that children are in fact safer in an accident when they are rear   facing. Your child does not know the difference between   rear and forward facing just because they are over 12 months old.
                          Thereis nothing wrong with your child's feet touching the back seat, theirlegs are not likely to break during an accident because of contact withthe back seat. They are less likely to get a broken neck in the eventof a rear facing accident, so if their legs do break, it is much lesswork to repair a broken leg or two than it is to fix a broken neck.
                          Ifyou are concerned that your child may become upset by not being able tosee you remember that you can talk to your child. Some parents haveeven placed a photo of themselves on the back seat of the car for theirinfant to see. If you are worried that you cannot see your child youcan purchase a rear view mirror to attach to your mirror that allowsyou to see your child.
                          Car seats havetwo weight limits attached, the minimum is the entry level weight andthe maximum is the top level weight. For example a booster seat can beused from 14kgs, and your convertible/toddler car seat can be useduntil 18kgs. We recommend that you use the convertible/toddler seat tothe top level/maximum weight before you progress to a booster, or anyother car seat when your child is approaching the entry level limit.



Forward facing


Onceyour child is 12kgs in weight you can turn them around, if your carseat rear faces for longer you may consider extended rear facing untilthe top level weight is met.


Achild should remain in the convertible or forward facing harnessed carseat until they reach the maximum weight of the car seat. This weightlimit is currently 18kgs. With the exception of the Evenflo TriumphAdvance, which is until 22.5kgs. If your child outgrows their car seatbefore 18kgs, consider another brand, or using a booster seat with child harness.Do not move your child into a booster until around 4 years of age.Children need to be able to sit correctly in a booster seat to the seatto perform correctly in an accident.





Outgrown car seat


Thereare a few ways that your child may outgrow their car seat, the firstand most important is by weight. Every car seat has a maximum weight,multi modal seats have more than one maximum weight, this means thatthere is a weight limit for the integral harness, and there is a limitfor the seat itself, most often found on seats that convert into abooster seat.


Always checkyour seat and/or instruction booklet for the maximum weight limit forthe harness, if your toddler exceeds this weight (currently 18kgs) youwill need to move your child into a booster seat (with child harness isrecommended).



Theimage above shows a young child who is too big for the car seat, whileshe may not be 18kgs, she has outgrown the seat by height. When thechild's eyes/ears are level with the top sides of the seat, the childis too big for the seat. If your child's shoulders come above the topharness slots, they are also too big for the seat. The straps shouldnot come more than 2.5cm (1 inch) below their shoulders, doing so couldcause spinal compression during an accident. Forward facing childrenshould always wear the belt at or above the shoulder, there is noexception to this rule.


Anotherway a child can outgrow their car seat is if the belts are no longerable to fit correctly over the child's body. Never use a harness thatis only secured around their waist and between the legs, the belt mustat all times come over the shoulders, over the hips and buckle betweenthe legs, over the pelvic area.

When to use a booster seat


It is recommend to use a booster seat ONLYonce your child has out grown their convertible child restraint. Theage that a child out grows their car seat will differ from child tochild and is not age dependent, go by the seat weight limit, or heightof your child that is, if the child's eye/ears are level with thetop/sides of the seat they need to move onto a bigger seat.


Using a booster and child safety harness


Ifyou need to use a booster seat for a child who has recently out growntheir car seat it is recommended to use a child harness along with thebooster seat and vehicle seat belt.


Somebooster seats come with a "anti-submarine" clip, this keeps the lapbelt correctly placed, and prevents the child from sliding out underthe lap belt in the event of an accident.



Belle Baby



Good bye! little Angle



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