各位大侠 有个问题想咨询下 老人现在是5年多次 旅游签,每次6个月,目前在境内。 现在有两个说法,1. 每12个月最多6个月。如果想要多待就再提交申请旅游签,可以续3个月,同时之前的5年多次也就无效了。 2. 不需要再提交旅游签,满足9/18 即可,6个月后离境几天或者几周再回可再待3个月。但是离境再回来入境有被拒绝的风险 到底哪个是正确的? 这样的情况,还有其他选择可以待久点吗 谢谢 有人建议学签…快70了还有可操作性吗? 谢谢
第一个是对的,如果想超过6个月,鉴于一个人不可以同时有两种不同的visa,就会把你现有的5年visitor visa取消,再给你一个一次性的三个月的visitor visa,这样就符合9/18的要求,第二个以前适用不过似乎现在规定改了,多次往返的visitor visa,每次来的上限就是6个月,要符合6/12的要求,从移民局拷贝来的规定你可以看一下
https://www.immigration.govt.nz/ ... tor-visa#sc_0kJE6DR
Multiple entry Visitor Visa
If you have a multiple entry visa, you can visit New Zealand as a tourist as many times as you want and stay for a total of up to 6 months in a 12-month period.
The 12-month period is calculated back from the last day you intend to be in New Zealand (your intended departure date).
For example, if the last day you intend to be in New Zealand is 1 December 2024, then your 12-month period will begin on 1 December 2023.
To be eligible, you must have been out of New Zealand for at least 9 months in the 18-month period before you apply.
Single entry Visitor Visa
If you want to visit New Zealand for more than 6 months or extend your current 6-month stay in New Zealand, we consider issuing you a single entry visa. This lets you enter New Zealand once and stay for up to 9 months in an 18-month period.
The 18-month period is calculated back from your intended departure date.
For example, if the last day you intend to be in New Zealand is 1 December 2024, then your 18-month period will begin on 1 June 2023.
感谢回复~ 感觉为了这3个月 5年多次签证被取消了有点可惜了…
律师和我说的是第二个, 我个人觉得有异议。但是想着毕竟对方是专业的, 所以想多听听其他的说法。 移民局我打电话问了说的也是第一个。应该可以确认了。